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Updated 11 April 1998
Updates planned: 15
The Ages of Arda
The Years of the Trees First Age Second Age Third Age Fourth Age
The Third Age began a little over four thousand years after the first rising of the Moon and Sun at the time of the awakening of Men . Of the Ages, it is the best known, as the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings took place in its later years.
The Third Age began after the first overthrow of Sauron by the Last Alliance , and was marked by Isildur's planting of the White Tree in Minas Anor . It ended more than three thousand years later with the destruction of the One Ring , the final end of Sauron , and the passing of the Ring-bearers over the Sea.
The history of the Third Age is in large part the history of the Dúnedain in Gondor and Arnor . Though both these realms were founded in the late Second Age , it was during the Third that they grew to their greatest heights, and fell to their lowest depths, before being reunited by Aragorn II Elessar .
Key Events of the Third Age
Isildur plants a seedling of the White Tree in Minas Anor . Returning northward to Arnor with the One Ring , he is waylaid by Orcs and slain.
Gondor is assailed by Men out of the East; the first of many wars with the Easterlings and Southrons .
Division of Arnor into Arthedain , Rhudaur and Cardolan .
c. 1000
Five Wizards , including Saruman and Gandalf , arrive in the north of Middle-earth .
Gondor conquers the Harad , and reaches the height of its power. At about this time Hobbits , wandering west across the Misty Mountains , first appear in records.
c. 1100
The first stirrings of Sauron are felt again in Middle-earth , though they are thought at this time to signal the return of a Nazgûl .
The Witch-king of Angmar invades the northern kingdoms.
Civil war in Gondor .
The foundation of the Shire .
The forces of Angmar capture Fornost ; the remnant of the North-kingdom is destroyed.
Eärnur of Gondor brings a fleet to the north. Too late to save the North-kingdom , he avenges its loss at the Battle of Fornost . Angmar is destroyed.
The Dwarves of Moria unleash Durin's Bane .
Capture of Minas Ithil by the Nazgûl. It is renamed Minas Morgul .
The last King of Gondor is lost. The Stewards now rule in the King's name.
c. 2463
Gollum acquires the One Ring.
The Men of the Éothéod ride to the aid of Gondor. They are given the land of Calenardhon (Rohan ) to dwell in, giving rise to the Rohirrim .
Journey of Bilbo Baggins to Erebor with Thorin and Gandalf. The Battle of Five Armies .
Destruction of the One Ring and passing of Sauron . Aragorn is crowned King in Gondor, and the Kingdoms of the Dúnedain are reunited.
Departure of the Ring-bearers .
See also...
Accursed Years , Aiwendil , Alcarin , Alders , Aman , Amon Amarth , Amon Dîn , Amon Lanc , Amon Sûl , Ancient Tongue , Anfalas , Angmar , Annúminas , Argonath , Artamir , [See the full list...] Arwen Evenstar , Asëa aranion , Asfaloth , Astar , Athelas , Baggins Family , Balchoth , Balrogs , Bardings , Barrows , Battle of the Camp , Belecthor II , Belladonna Took , Béma , Big Bosses , Black Master , Black Númenóreans , Black Riders , Black Years , Blade that was Broken , Blanco , Blue Ring , Book of the Stewards , Boromir , Bree-landers , Bridge of Nimrodel , Bridge of Stonebows , Bridge of Tharbad , Bucca of the Marish , Buckland Gate , Bunce Family , Captain of Gondor , Captain of the Host of the West , Captain of the White Tower , Carchost , Cedars , Celeborn , Celebrían , Celepharn , Chieftain of the North , Chieftain of the Ringwraiths , Chronology of the Westlands , Círdan the Shipwright , Cirith Forn en Andrath , City Gate , City of Gondor , City of the Corsairs , City of the Men of Gondor , City of the Trees , Cold-drakes , Common Language , Corsairs of Umbar , Council of the Wise , Crossings of Poros , Crown of Gondor , Dark Elves , Dark Lord , Dark Plague , Dark Throne , Days of Men , Days of the Rings , Dead Marshes , Dead Tree , Deadmen’s Dike , Deathless Lands , Deep Elves , Delta of Anduin , Diggle Family , Dina Diggle , Dís , Disaster of the Gladden Fields , Dol Amroth , Dominion of Men , Door of the Dead , Downfall of Barad-dûr , Dragons , Drû-folk , Drúath , Drúedain , Drúedain of Anórien , Drûg-folk , Drughu , Dúnedain of Arnor , Dúnedain of the North , Dunlendings , Dunlendish , Durin’s House , Durin’s Stone , Durin’s Tower , Dwarf-cities , Dwarf-mail , Dwimorberg , Eärendil , East Lórien , East-borders , Easterlings , Eastgate of the Bridge , Eldar of the West , Elder Days , Eldest , Eldest Days , Elendil , Elendil Stone , Elessar of Eärendil , Elestirnë , Elf of the Wand , Elf-kings , Elf-towers , Elfstone , Elladan , Elostirion , Elrohir , Elu Thingol , Elven-cloaks , Elven-rings , Elven-wise , Elvendom , Elvenesse , Elvenking’s Halls , Elves , Elves beyond the Sea , Elves of Lindon , Elves of Lórinand , Elves of the Wood , Elves of Thranduil , Elves of Valinor , Elvish , Elvish World , Emyn Duir , Enemy of Sauron , Entmaidens , Entmoot , Ents , Eofor , Eryn Galen , Eryn Lasgalen , Eryn Vorn , Ethraid Engrin , Evening Star , Everholt , Exiles from Valinor , Fall of Sauron , Fallen King , Fangorn Forest , Fangorn’s Wood , Fell Riders , Filbert , Finches , Fire of Doom , Fire-drakes , Firefoot , First Age , Five Wizards , Flame of the West , Flourdumpling , Foam-flower , Folco Boffin , Folk of the Mountain , Folklands , Ford of Carrock , Fords of Anduin , Forest of Fangorn , Forest under Nightshade , Forget-me-nots , Forodwaith , Fortress of Sauron , Four Farthings , Fourth Age , Free Folk , Full Muster , Galadhrim , Galadriel , Gandalf , Gap of Calenardhon , Gate of Gondor , Gate of Kings , Gate of the Dead , Gate of the Dead Men , Gate-stream , Gates of Gondor , Ghân , Gladden Fields , Gladden River , Glamdring , Glóin , Gods , Goldfather , Goldworthy Family , Gollum’s Ring , Gondorians , Goodchild Family , Goodenough Family , Goold Family , Gorthaur , Great Barrows , Great Bridge , Great Eagles , Great Eye , Great Fens , Great Haven , Great Orcs , Great Plague , Great Ring of Power , Great Road , Great War of the Ring , Great West Road , Great Wood , Green Hills , Greenway-crossing , Greenwood the Great , Grey Mountains , Grey Wood , Greymantle , Grond , Guardian of the Third Ring , Guards of the Citadel , Guild of Weaponsmiths , Gundahad Bolger , Half-elven , Half-elven , Harondor , Haunted Mountain , Haven of Umbar , Healers , Hedgehogs , Heir of Durin , Heir of Elendil , Hell , Henneth Annûn , Hensday , Heren Istarion , Hevenesdei , Hevensday , High Court , High Hay , High King , High Men , High Pass , Highday , Hill of Awe , Hill of Himring , Hill of the Eye , Hirluin the Fair , Hísimë , Hithaeglir , Hobbit-holes , Hobbiton Hill , Hobbits , Hobbits of Bree , Hobgoblins , Horn of the Mark , Horsebreeders , Horsemen of Rohan , Horses , Host of the West , House of Elendil , House of Fingolfin , House of Finrod , House of Isildur , Houses of the Dead , Icebay of Forochel , Imlad Morgul , Imrazôr the Númenórean , Incánus , Inside , Isembold Took , Isildur , Istari , Ithil , Ithil-stone , Ithryn , Ivanneth , Ivy Goodenough , Keepers of the Three Rings , Khuzdul , Kin-strife , Kindler , King of all the Dúnedain , King of Arnor , King of Durin’s Folk , King of Gondor , King of Khazad-dûm , King of Lórien , King of Minas Morgul , King of Rhovanion , King of the Galadhrim , King of the Mountains , King of the Silvan Elves , King of the West , Kingdom under the Mountain , Kingdoms of the Dúnedain , King’s Company , King’s Court , King’s House , King’s Reckoning , Knights , Lady of the Noldor , Lady of the Wood , Land of the Elves , Land of the Prince , Land of the Valley of Singing Gold , Last Battle , Last of the Seven , Last Riding of the Keepers of the Rings , Later Ages , Leaflock , Legolas Greenleaf , Little Folk , Loeg Ningloron , Long Cape , Long Marshes , Longbeards , Lóni , Lord and Lady , Lord of Barad-dûr , Lord of Deeping-coomb , Lord of Eagles , Lord of Emyn Arnen , Lord of Gondor , Lord of Lórien , Lord of Lothlórien , Lord of Minas Tirith , Lord of Rivendell , Lord of the Black Land , Lord of the City , Lord of the Dark Tower , Lord of the Havens , Lord of the Havens , Lord of the Nazgûl , Lord of the Ringwraiths , Lórien , Lossoth , Lost Isle , Lothron , Lúva , Mablung , Máhanaxar , Maiar , Malinorni , Mansion of the Khazâd , Marhari , Master of Buckland , Master of the Grey Havens , Master-ring , Mat Heathertoes , Men of Bree , Men of Darkness , Men of Eriador , Men of Minas Tirith , Men of Rhûn , Men of Rohan , Men of the Anfalas , Men of the Long Lake , Men of the Mountains , Men of the North (in the Third Age) , Men of the Sea , Men of Westernesse , Menegilda Goold , Mere of Dead Faces , Meresdei , Mersday , Mice , Middle Days , Minalcar , Mistress of Magic , Misty Mountains , Monday , Moontower , Mordor , Morgoth , Morgul-king , Mornan , Morthond Vale , Mountains of Angmar , Mountains of Gondor , Mountains of Lune , Mountains of Mirkwood , Mûmakil , Náli , Nameless Land , Nan Curunír , Nandorin , Narsil , Narya , Nazgûl Lord , Necromancer , New Reckoning , New Year , Newbury , Nîn-in-Eilph , Nine Rings , Nine Ringwraiths , Noman-lands , North March , North Road , North-realm , Northern Army , Northern Fences , Northern Lands , Northern Line , Northern Mirkwood , Northern Orcs , Northern Sceptre , Northern Waste , Northmen of Rhovanion , Númenórean Realms , Oathbreakers , Old Ent , Old Ford , Old Forest Road , Old Moria , Old Púkel-land , Old Púkel-wilderness , Old South Road , ‘Old Words and Names in the Shire’ , Olog-hai , Olórin , Onya , Orc-arrows , Orc-men , Orcs , Orcs of Dol Guldur , Orcs of Mordor , Orcs of the Eye , Orcs of the Misty Mountains , Orcs of the Mountains , Orcs of the Red Eye , Order of Wizards , Orgaladhad , Orodruin , Osgiliath , Outsiders , Palantíri , Pass of Imladris , Pass of Light , Paths of the Dead , Pelennor Fields , People of the Great Journey , Periannath , Phurunargian , Pillars of the Kings , Ponto Baggins , Power of the Black Land , Powers of the World , Prince of Belfalas , Prince of Dol Amroth , Queen of Gondor , Quenya , Rauros-foot , Realms in Exile , Red Book of the Periannath , Red Ring , Reunited Kingdom , Revised Calendar , Rhûn , Riders of West-mark , Ring of Adamant , Ring of Barahir , Ring of Isildur , Ring of Water , Ring-bearers , Ringday , Rings of Power , River Anduin , River Baranduin , River Bralda-hîm , River Greylin , River Gwathir , River Hoarwell , River Langflood , River Loudwater , River Redwater , Robbers of the North , Rochann , Rochír-rim , Rochirrim , Róg , Royal Road , Rudibert Bolger , Rudolph Bolger , Ruler , Rulers of Arda , Rushlight Family , Sammath Naur , Sandheaver Family , Sauron , Sea-kings , Search of the Ents , Seat of Seeing , Second Chief , Seeing-stone of Emyn Beraid , Seeing-stones , Serpents , Seven Rings , Seven Stones , Shadow of the East , Shadowy Mountains , Shards of Narsil , Shieldmaidens , Ship of Long-foam , Shire Calendar , Shire-reckoning , Shire-reform , Siege of Barad-dûr , Silvan Elves , Silvan Elvish , Silver Pennies , Sirannon , Siriondil , Sleepless Dead , Smaug , Sméagol , Smials , Soldier-orcs , Sons of Elrond , Sorcerer of Dol Guldur , South Gondor , Stair of the Hold , Stairs of Cirith Ungol , Star of the North , Star of the North Kingdom , Starlings , Steward of the King , Stewards’ Reckoning , Stone of Amon Sûl , Stone of Anor , Stone of Eärendil , Stone of Erech , Stone of Minas Tirith , Stone of Orthanc , Stones of Arnor , Stones of Gondor , Stoors of the Angle , Straight Road , Straight Stair , Straight Way , Sunnendei , Sutherland , Swan-ships , Swarthy Men , Sword Reforged , Tale of Years , Tall Men , Tarcil , Tareldar , Tarks , Taur e-Ndaedelos , Taur-na-neldor , Taur-nu-Fuin , Telumehtar Umbardacil , Terebinth , Tharbad , The Angle , The Bold , The East , The Elvenking , The Fair , The Fat , The Five , The Free , The Great , The Guardians , The Hunter , The Marish , The Moon , The Mountain , The Riders , The Seer , The Shire , The Singers , The Steadfast , The Sun , The Tall , The Towers , The Tree , The Usurper , The Water , The Wilderness , The Wise , The Wise , The Worm , Theobald Bolger , Thistlewool Family , Three Keepers , Three Rings , Thrimidge , Thrimilch , Tincotéma , Tobacco , Tom Bombadil , Tomb of Elendil , Tower Hall , Tower of Anor , Tower of Cirith Ungol , Tower of Ecthelion , Tower of Guard , Tower of the Sun , Towers of Gondor , Towers of Mist , Towers of the Black Gate , Tree-men , Trewesdei , Trewsday , Trolls , Trollshaws , True-silver , Two Kingdoms , Uilos , Uinendili , Umbar , Uruk-hai , Urulóki , Usurpers , Vale of the Land of the Singers , Vales of Anduin , Valley of the Wraiths , Vice-regent of Eriador , Vilya , Vinyalondë , Vinyarion , War of the Dwarves and the Orcs , War of the Last Alliance , Watch-towers of the Morannon , Watchful Peace , Weathertop , West of Middle-earth , West Road , West-march of Rohan , West-shores , White Council , White Horse upon Green , White Lady , White Messenger , White Mountains , White Ring , White Ship , White Towers , White Tree of the Eldar , Wild Lands , Wild Men , Wild Men of the Woods , Witch-king of Angmar , Witch-lord of Angmar , Witch-realm of Angmar , Withered Heath , Wizards , Woodland Realm , Woodmen , Woodwose , Woses , Wraith-lord , Years of the Sun , Younger Days , Yrch
About this entry:
Updated 11 April 1998
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