A deep valley in Ephel Dúath, the mountains that guarded Mordor's western flank, that provided the main route through those mountains. It was known in Elvish as Imlad Morgul, taking its name from the tower of Minas Morgul that stood at its western mouth. Originally Minas Ithil, the city of Isildur in Ithilien, this tower had been captured by the Ringwraiths in III 2002, and was held by them until the end of the Third Age.
After the capture of Minas Morgul by the Ringwraiths, the vale became known as the Valley of the Wraiths, a dark and dangerous pass used only by the servants of Sauron. Out of it flowed a polluted stream, Morgulduin, that ran down past Minas Morgul to empty into Anduin below the ruins of Osgiliath. High above the Valley on its northern side, a steep and perilous second pass led high over the mountains, a pass known as Cirith Ungol.
About this entry:
- Updated 17 October 2021
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