- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
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- Seas and oceans
Individual Animals | ||
Anfauglir Arod Arroch Asfaloth Bill Boar of Everholt Bumpkin Carc Carcharoth Cats of Queen Berúthiel Draugluin Fang Fastitocalon Fatty Lumpkin Felaróf Firefoot Great Eagle Grip |
Gwaihir Hasufel Her Ladyship Hound of Valinor Huan Jaws of Thirst Landroval Lightfoot Lord of Eagles Lumpkin Mansbane Meneldor Nahar Red Maw Roäc Rochallor Roheryn Shadowfax |
Sharp-ears Shelob Snowmane Strider Stybba Swish-tail Thorondor Valinor, Hound of Watcher White-socks Windfola Windlord Wise-nose Witnesses of Manwë Wolf of Angband Wolf, Carcharoth Wolf, Maggot's Dog |
Animals and Other Creatures | ||
Ants Apes Asses Badgers Bats Bears Bees Beetles Black Emperor Boars Butterflies Cats Cows Crebain Crickets Crows Deer Dogs Donkeys Doves Eagles Eagles of the Crissaegrim Eagles of the Misty Mountains Eagles of the Mountains Eagles of the North Elephants Finches Fish Flies Foxes Frogs |
Geese Gnats Goats Grasshoppers Great Eagles Gulls Hares Hawks Hedgehogs Hell-hawks Hornets Horses Hounds Kelvar Kine of Araw Kingfishers Kirinki Living Creatures Lizards Locusts Lómelindi Maggots Mearas Mice Midges Moths Mûmakil Neekerbreekers Nightingales Oliphaunts Owls |
Oxen Oxen of the East Ponies Rabbits Rats Ravens Serpents Sheep Snails Snakes Sparrows Spiders Spy-birds Squirrels Stags Starlings Storks Swans Thrushes Toads Voles Vultures Wargs Wasps White Wolves Wild Wolves Winged Creatures Wolfhounds Wolves Wrens |
Trees | ||
Alders Ancalimë Apples Ashes Bays Beeches Belthil Birches Box-woods Carnimírië Cedars Celeborn Chestnuts Culumalda Culúrien Dead Tree Eldest of Trees Elms Elven-tree Ever-summer Firs Galathilion Glingal Golden Tree of the Shire Golden Tree of Valinor Great Willow |
Hírilorn Holm-oaks Huorns Ilexes Junipers Lairelossë Larches Lassemista Laurelin Laurinquë Lebethron Lindens Malinalda Malinornë Malinorni Mallorns Mellyrn Nessamelda Nimloth Ninquelótë Oaks Oiolairë Old Man Willow Orofarnë Party Tree Pines |
Poplars Rowans Silpion Taniquelassë Telperion Terebinth Tree of the High Elves Tree of Tirion Tree of Túna Trees of Silver and Gold Two Trees of the Valar Two Trees of Valinor Tyelperion Vardarianna White Tree of Isildur White Tree of Minas Anor White Tree of Minas Tirith White Tree of Númenor White Tree of the Eldar White Tree of Tol Eressëa White Tree of Valinor Willow-man Willows Withered Tree Yavannamírë Yews |
Flowers | ||
Aeglos Alfirin Anemones Asphodel Blood of Stone Broom Campion Celandines Clematis Clover Eglantine Elanor |
Evermind Fire-weed Forget-me-nots Heather Iris Laburnums Lilies Ling Lissuin Mallos Nasturtians Niphredil |
Primeroles Rockroses Roses Seregon Simbelmynë Snowthorn Stonecrop Sunflowers Symbelmynë Thrift Uilos Water-lilies |
Other Plants | ||
Asëa aranion Athelas Barley Bilberry Blackberry Brambles Briar Broom Clematis Corn Cornel Cress Ferns Filbert Funguses Galenas Gorse Halflings’ Leaf Harts-tongue |
Hawthorn Hazel Hemlock Holly Ivy Kingsfoil Leaf Lichen Longbottom Leaf Marjoram Moss Mushrooms Myrtle Old Toby Olvar Onions Parsley Pipe-weed Potatoes |
Reeds Sage Saxifrage Sloe Sorrel Southern Star Southlinch Strawberries Sweet Galenas Thistles Thyme Tobacco Turnips Vines Watercress Westmansweed Wheat Whin Whortleberry |
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