The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien

Can I use text or graphics on my own pages?

An article from the Encyclopedia of Arda FAQ

You're free to reproduce maps or images from the site, as long as you stick to a few guidelines. In this situation, we do insist on an acknowledgement and a link back to the Encyclopedia of Arda (let us know if you do this, and we'll normally link back to your site too). You can also quote from the text if you like, within reason.

This only applies to non-profit, non-commercial sites. If you want to use elements of the Encyclopedia on a commercial site, please contact us for permission.

We're very open with the materials on this site: if there's a map or a paragraph here that will add something to your site, you're welcome to use it, subject to the conditions above. This open policy, though, has been 'taken to extremes' in a few cases. Here are a few points that seem to need clarification:

  • You may not reproduce any item or items from the site without an acknowledgement and link. We occasionally come across artwork (mainly maps) from this site passed off as someone else's work, with no reference to us whatsoever, which is fairly irritating. If you aren't sure what to use as an acknowledgement, 'Some content provided by the Encyclopedia of Arda' is fine, with a link back to the site if at all possible.
  • You may not reproduce or republish the entire site, or substantial parts of it, in any form. There are at present no authorised mirrors of this site. If you find an online version of the Encyclopedia with an address outside the domain, that version has been 'borrowed' without permission - we don't support it and it is almost certain to be out of date.
  • You may not provide or publish translated versions of the site, or substantial parts of it, without our express permission. You don't have to ask permission, though, if you just want to translate a few paragraphs of text - that's fine, as long as you follow the guidelines laid out above.

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1997-2025. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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Can I use text or graphics on my own pages?

An article from the Encyclopedia of Arda FAQ

FAQ Questions [show]

You're free to reproduce maps or images from the site, as long as you stick to a few guidelines. In this situation, we do insist on an acknowledgement and a link back to the Encyclopedia of Arda (let us know if you do this, and we'll normally link back to your site too). You can also quote from the text if you like, within reason.

This only applies to non-profit, non-commercial sites. If you want to use elements of the Encyclopedia on a commercial site, please contact us for permission.

We're very open with the materials on this site: if there's a map or a paragraph here that will add something to your site, you're welcome to use it, subject to the conditions above. This open policy, though, has been 'taken to extremes' in a few cases. Here are a few points that seem to need clarification:

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1997-2025. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.
DISC is one of the most popular methods of personality testing and assessment in use today.