- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
Gemstones and Jewellery | ||
Arkenstone Elendilmir Elessar Elessar of Eärendil Elfstone Great Jewel |
Great Jewels Heart of the Mountain Jewels of Fëanor Nauglamír Necklace of the Dwarves Nimphelos |
Silmarils Star of Elendil Star of the Dúnedain Star of the North Star of the North Kingdom Three Jewels |
Helmets and Crowns | ||
Crown of Elendil Crown of Gondor Crown of the Hidden Kingdom Dragon of Dor-lómin Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin |
Dragonhead of the North Gondor, Crown of Helm of Hador Iron Crown |
King-helm of Turgon Silver Crown White Crown Winged Crown |
Miscellaneous Magical Items and Objects | ||
Anor-stone Elendil Stone Ithil-stone Master Stone Masterstone Orthanc-stone Palantíri Phial of Galadriel Seeing-stone of Emyn Beraid |
Seeing-stones Seeing-stones of Númenor Seven Seeing Stones Seven Stones Star-glass Stone of Amon Sûl Stone of Annúminas Stone of Anor |
Stone of Eärendil Stone of Minas Tirith Stone of Orthanc Stone of Osgiliath Stones of Arnor Stones of Gondor Stones of Seeing Watch-stones |
Rings | ||
Blue Ring Elven-rings Gollum's Ring Great Ring Great Ring of Power Great Rings Isildur’s Bane Last of the Seven Magic Ring Master-ring Narya Nenya Nine Rings |
One Ring Precious Red Red Ring Ring Ring of Adamant Ring of Air Ring of Barahir Ring of Doom Ring of Durin Ring of Fire Ring of Isildur Ring of Power |
Ring of Rings Ring of Sapphire Ring of the Enemy Ring of Thrór Ring of Water Rings of Power Ruling Ring Seven Rings Third Ring Three Rings Vilya White Ring |
Ships | ||
Alcarondas Castle of the Sea Eämbar Eärrámë Entulessë Far-wanderer Foam-flower Guildhouse of the Venturers |
Haven-finder Hirilondë Last Ship Númerrámar Palarran Return Rothinzil |
Sea-Wing Swan-ships Turuphanto Vingilot West-wings White Ship Wooden Whale |
Weapons and Armour | ||
Aeglos Aiglos Andúril Anglachel Angrist Anguirel Aranrúth Axe of Tuor Beater Belthronding Biter Black Arrow Black Thorn of Brethil Blade that was Broken Bow of Bregor |
Dramborleg Durin’s Axe Dwarf-mail Dwarf-masks Eket Flame of the West Foe-hammer Glamdring Goblin-cleaver Grond, battering-ram Grond, Hammer of the Underworld Gurthang Gúthwinë Hammer of the Underworld Herugrim |
Iron of Death King's Sword Morgul-knives Narsil Orc-arrows Orcrist Red Arrow Ringil Shards of Narsil Spear of Gil-galad Sting Sword of Elendil Sword Reforged Sword that was Broken Thudder-Sharp |
Other Items | ||
Angainor Black Stone Dark Throne Fallen King Fëanorian Lamps Flets Great Horn Horn of the Mark Illuin Key of Orthanc |
Lamps of the Valar Mirror of Galadriel Northern Sceptre Ormal Sceptre Sceptre of Annúminas Sceptre of Arnor Sceptre of Númenor Seat of Amon Hen Seat of Seeing |
Seven Hoards Silver Pennies Stone of Erech Talans Telain Throne of Morgoth Thrór’s Map Ulumúri Valaróma Wand of the Stewards |
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