- Cities and buildings
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- Lands, realms and regions
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- Seas and oceans
Labadal Laburnums Ladros Lady of Dor-lómin Lady of Lórien Lady of Rivendell Lady of Rohan Lady of the Elves Lady of the Galadhrim Lady of the Golden Wood Lady of the Noldor Lady of the Seas Lady of the Shield-arm Lady of the Star-brow Lady of the Stars Lady of the Westlands Lady of the Wood Ladybarrow Laer Laer Cú Beleg Lagduf Laiquendi Lairë Lairelossë Lake Evendim Lake Helevorn Lake Mithrim Lake Núrnen Lake-men Lake-town • Master of Lake-town Lalaith Lalia Clayhanger Lame Lamedon • Lord of Lamedon Lament for the Two Trees Lammoth Lamps of the Valar Lampwrights' Street ’Lân Land of Bow and Helm Land of Caranthir Land of Gift Land of Mist Land of Seven Rivers Land of Shadow Land of the Dead that Live Land of the Elves Land of the Girdle Land of the Halflings Land of the Prince Land of the Star Land of the Valley of Singing Gold Land of Willows Landroval Langflood Langstrand Langwell Lanthir Lamath Lár Larches Largo Baggins Larnach Lasse-lanta Lassemista Last Alliance of Elves and Men • War of the Alliance • War of the Last Alliance Last Battle Last Bridge Last Desert Last Gate Last Homely House Last Mountain Last of the Seven Last Riding of the Keepers of the Rings Last Ship Last Shore Last-king Later Ages Láthspell Laughter Laura Grubb Laurelin Laurelindórenan Laurinquë Lavender Grubb Lay of Eärendil Lay of Leithian Lay of Lúthien Lay of Nimrodel Leaf Leaflock Leap of Dreadful Doom Lebennin Lebethron Lefnui Legolas Greenleaf Legolin Lembas Lenwë Léod Léofa Lhûn • Gulf of Lhûn Lichen |
Lidless Eye Lieutenant of Morgul Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr Light Light in the West Light of Aman Light of the Trees Light of Valinor Light-elves Light-tower Lightfoot (family) • Nina Lightfoot Lightfoot (horse) Lilies • Water-lilies Lily Baggins Lily Brown Limlaith Limlich Limlight Limliht Limlint Linaewen Linda Baggins Lindar Lindens Lindir Lindissë Lindon • Elves of Lindon • Ered Lindon Lindórië Lindórinand Line of Anárion Line of Elros Line of Kings Ling Linhir Linnods Lisgardh Lissuin Lithe, in the calendar of Bree Lithe, in the Shire Calendar Lithedays Lithlad Little Delving Little Folk Little Gelion Little Kingdom Little Lune Little People Living Creatures Lizards Loa Lobelia Sackville-Baggins Lockbearer Lockholes Locusts Loeg Ningloron Loëndë Lómelindi Lómion Lond Daer Lond Daer Enedh Lone-lands Lonely Isle Lonely Mountain • Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain • Folk of the Mountain • Folk under the Mountain • Heart of the Mountain • King under the Mountain • Kingdom under the Mountain Long Cape Long Cleeve • Diamond of Long Cleeve Long Hom Long Hom Cotton Long Lake • Men of the Lake • Men of the Long Lake Long Marshes Long Night Long Peace Long Wall Long Winter Long-worms Longbeards Longbottom Longbottom Leaf Longfather-tree of Master Samwise Longholes Longo Baggins Longshanks Lóni Lord Lord and Lady Lord of All Lord of Andúnië • House of the Lords of Andúnië Lord of Arnor and Gondor Lord of Balrogs Lord of Barad-dûr Lord of Belegost Lord of Beleriand Lord of Brethil Lord of Dale |
Lord of Deeping-coomb Lord of Dol Amroth Lord of Dor-lómin Lord of Eagles Lord of Emyn Arnen Lord of Eregion Lord of Forests Lord of Gifts Lord of Gondor Lord of Harrowdale Lord of Isengard Lord of Lamedon Lord of Lórien Lord of Lossarnach Lord of Lothlórien Lord of Men Lord of Middle-earth Lord of Minas Tirith Lord of Mordor Lord of Morgul Lord of Moria Lord of Nargothrond Lord of Narog Lord of Nogrod Lord of Rivendell Lord of Rohan Lord of the Black Land Lord of the Breath of Arda Lord of the City Lord of the Coasts Lord of the Dark Lord of the Dark Tower Lord of the Darkness Lord of the Dúnedain Lord of the Earth Lord of the Éothéod Lord of the Fields of Rohan Lord of the Fountains Lord of the Galadhrim Lord of the Glittering Caves Lord of the Havens, Númenor Lord of the Havens, the Falas Lord of the Mark Lord of the Mundburg Lord of the Nazgûl Lord of the Nine Riders Lord of the Ring Lord of the Rings Lord of the Ringwraiths Lord of the Rohirrim Lord of the Ships and Havens of Númenor Lord of the Tower of Guard Lord of the West Lord of the White Tower Lord of Trees Lord of Waters Lord Steward Lords Lords of the Sea Lords of the Valar Lords of the West, Captains of the West Lords of the West, the Valar Lords of Valinor Lórellin Loremasters Lorgan Lórien in Middle-earth • East Lórien • Elves of Lórien • King of Lórien • Lord of Lórien Lórien in Valinor Lórien of the Blossom Lórien, Vala Lórinand • Elves of Lórinand Lórindol Losgar Lossarnach • Lord of Lossarnach • Morwen of Lossarnach Lossoth Lost Isle Lost Realm Lótessë Lothíriel Lothlann Lothlórien • Lord of Lothlórien Lotho Sackville-Baggins Lothron Loudwater Luckwearer Lucky Number, Mr. Lugbúrz Lugdush Luinil Lumbar Lumpkin Lune • Firth of Lune • Gulf of Lune • Little Lune • Mountains of Lune Lúthien Tinúviel • Lay of Lúthien Lúva |
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