- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
Hills and Downs | ||
Amon Anwar Amon Dîn Amon Ereb Amon Ethir Amon Gwareth Amon Hen Amon Lanc Amon Lhaw Amon Obel Amon Rûdh Amon Sûl Amon Tirith Bald Hill Barrow-downs Beacons of Gondor Bree-hill Buck Hill Calenhad Cerin Amroth Coldfells Corollairë Coron Oiolairë Death Down Dîn Dol Baran Downlands East Wall of Rohan Eilenach Emyn Arnen Emyn Beraid Emyn Duir Emyn Muil |
Emyn Uial Emyn-nu-Fuin Erech Erelas Ettenmoors Ever-cold Ezellohar Far Downs Faroth Gondor, Beacons of Great Mound Green Hills of Gondor Green Hills of the Shire Green Mound Halifirien Haudh-en-Ndengin Haudh-en-Nirnaeth High Faroth Hill Hill of Anwar Hill of Awe Hill of Erech Hill of Guard Hill of Hearing Hill of Himring Hill of Sight Hill of Slain Hill of Spies Hill of Tears Hill of the Eye Hills of Evendim Hills of the Hunters |
Himring Hobbiton Hill Hornrock Iron Hills Min-Rimmon Morgai Naked Hill North Downs Oromet Orthanc-rock Pinnath Gelin Ramdal Ravenhill Rimmon Rock Roots of the Pillar Sharbhund Silent Hill Slag-hills South Downs Spyhill Tarmasundar Taur-en-Faroth Tower Hills Treebeard's Hill Troll-fells Túna Tyrn Gorthad Wall’s End Weather Hills Weathertop White Downs |
Mountains and Volcanoes | ||
Amon Amarth Amon Darthir Amon Uilos Baraz Barazinbar Bundushathûr Caradhras Caragdûr Carn Dûm Celebdil Cloudyhead Crowned with Stars Dolmed Dwimorberg Eilenaer Elerrína Erebor Ever-snow-white Everlasting Whiteness Everwhite Fanuidhol Fiery Mountain Fire-hilltop |
Fire-mountain Gram Gundabad Hallowed Mountain Haunted Mountain Hill of Ilmarin Holy Mount Holy Mountain: Meneltarma Holy Mountain: Taniquetil Hyarmentir Last Mountain Lonely Mountain Meneltarma Methedras Mindolluin Mount Doom Mount Everwhite Mount Gram Mount Gundabad Mount Rerir Mount Taras Mountain (Erebor) Mountain (Taniquetil) |
Mountain of Fire Mountain of Manwë Mountains of Terror Nardol Oiolossë Orod-na-Thôn Orodruin Pillar Pillar of Heaven Pillar of the Heavens Redhorn Rerir Shathûr Silvertine Sorontil Starkhorn Taniquetil Taras Thangorodrim Thrihyrne White Mountain Zirak Zirakzigil |
Ranges | ||
Andram Ash Mountains Ashen Mountains Blue Mountains Crissaegrim Dark Mountains East-mountains Echoing Hills Echoing Mountains Echoriath Encircling Mountains Ephel Dúath Ered Engrin Ered Gorgoroth Ered Lindon Ered Lithui Ered Lómin Ered Luin |
Ered Mithrin Ered Nimrais Ered Wethrin Gorgoroth Grey Mountains Hithaeglir Irensaga Iron Mountains Long Wall Misty Mountains Mountain Wall Mountains of Aman Mountains of Angmar Mountains of Defence Mountains of Dor-lómin Mountains of Gondor Mountains of Iron |
Mountains of Lune Mountains of Mirkwood Mountains of Mist Mountains of Mithrim Mountains of Moria Mountains of Shadow (Ephel Dúath) Mountains of Shadow (Ered Wethrin) Mountains of the East Mountains of Turgon Orocarni Pelóri Shadowy Mountains (Ephel Dúath) Shadowy Mountains (Ered Wethrin) Thangorodrim Towers of Mist Western Mountains White Mountains |
Passes and Tunnels | ||
Anach Anghabar Annon-in-Gelydh Calacirian Calacirya Carach Angren Cirith Dúath Cirith Forn en Andrath Cirith Gorgor Cirith Ninniach Cirith Thoronath Cirith Ungol Cracks of Doom Dimrill Stair Eagles' Cleft Gap of Calenardhon |
Gap of Rohan Gates of Sirion Haunted Pass Hidden Way High Pass, Ephel Dúath High Pass, Misty Mountains Isenmouthe Morgul Pass Nameless Pass Narrow Land Orfalch Echor Pass of Aglon Pass of Anach Pass of Caradhras Pass of Imladris |
Pass of Light Pass of Sirion Paths of the Dead Rainbow Cleft Redhorn Gate Redhorn Pass Shelob’s Lair Stair of the Hold Stairs of Cirith Ungol Straight Stair Tarlang's Neck Torech Ungol Under-way Way of Escape Winding Stair |
Vales and Valleys | ||
Arnach Azanulbizar Blackroot Vale Deeping Deeping-coomb Dimrill Dale East Vale Entwash Vale Ettendales Firien-dale Harrowdale Helm’s Deep Imlad Morgul Morgul |
Morgul Vale Morgul Valley Mornan Morthond Vale Nan Curunír Nan Dungortheb Nanduhirion Noirinan Ravines of Teiglin Ringló Vale Sirion's Vale Stonewain Valley Tumladen, Beleriand Tumladen, Gondor |
Udûn Vale of Narog Vale of the Great River Vales of Anduin Vales of Sirion Valley of Dreadful Death Valley of Living Death Valley of Saruman Valley of the Tombs Valley of the Wraiths Water-valley Westfold Vale Wizard's Vale |
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