- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
The Race of Men | ||
Afterborn Aftercomers Apanónar Atani Big Folk Big People Children of the Sun Engwar |
Fírimar Followers Hildor Inscrutable MEN Mortals Night-fearers |
Second People Secondborn Self-cursed Sickly Strangers Usurpers Younger Children of Ilúvatar |
Divisions | ||
Atanatári Drû Drû-folk Drúath Drúedain Drûg-folk Drughu Drûgs Drúin Dúnedain Easterlings Edain Fathers of the Númenóreans Great People of the West Haradrim High Men |
Kings of Men Men of Darkness Men of Middle-earth Men of Númenor Men of Old Men of the Ancient Houses Men of the North Men of the North-west Men of the Sea Men of the Three Houses Men of the Twilight Men of the West Men of Westernesse Men out of the South Middle Men Middle Peoples |
Mighty of the West Northmen Númenóreans Oghor-hai Púkel-men Róg Rógin Rú Rúatani Swarthy Men Swertings Tall Men Wild Men Wild Men of the Woods Woses |
Cultures | ||
Balchoth Bardings Bëorians Beornings Black Númenóreans Bree-folk Bree-landers Bree-men Corsairs of Umbar Dale-men Drúedain of Anórien Drúedain of Beleriand Drúedain of Númenor Dúnedain of Arnor Dúnedain of Cardolan Dúnedain of Gondor Dúnedain of the North Dúnedain of the South Dunlendings Edain of the North Eorlingas Eorlings Éothéod Exiles of Númenor Folk of Haleth Forgoil Forodwaith Gondorians Haladin Halethrim Helmingas Hill-men |
Horse-boys Horse-lords Horse-men Horsebreeders Horsemen of the North Incomers Lake-men Lossoth Men of Arnor Men of Bree Men of Brethil Men of Dale Men of Dor-lómin Men of Dorthonion Men of Dunland Men of Eriador Men of Gondor Men of Hador's House Men of Haleth Men of Harad Men of Hithlum Men of Minas Tirith Men of Rhûn Men of Rohan Men of the Anfalas Men of the Éothéod Men of the Lake Men of the Long Lake Men of the Mark Men of the Mountains Men of the North Men of the Riddermark |
Men of the Vales of Anduin Northern Dúnedain Northern Men Northmen of Rhovanion Númenor, Exiles of People of Bëor People of Hador People of Haleth Rangers of the North Riders Riders of Rohan Riders of the Mark Riders of Théoden Robbers of the North Rochír-rim Rochirrim Rohirrim Sea-kings Snowmen of Forochel Sons of Eorl Southrons Stone-folk Stonehouse-folk Thenglings Variags Wainriders Wainriders of Rhovanion Westfold-men Westfolders Whiteskins Wolf-folk Woodmen |
Houses and Families | ||
Appledore Butterbur Ferny First House of the Edain Goatleaf Heathertoes House of Anárion House of Bëor House of Elendil House of Elros House of Eorl |
House of Hador House of Haleth House of Húrin House of Isildur House of the Lords of Andúnië House of the Stewards Line of Anárion Line of Elros Line of Kings Northern Line |
Pickthorn Royal House of Gondor Rushlight Southern Line Telcontar Third House of the Edain Thistlewool Three Houses of Men Three Houses of the Edain Three Houses of the Elf-friends |
Titles | ||
Accursed Alcarin Aradan Arandur Atarinya Bane of Glaurung Big Bosses Black Black Captain Black Easterling Black Men Black Rider Black Riders Black Sword Black Sword of Brethil Black Sword of Nargothrond Black Sword of the South Bloodstained Bold Bowman Camlost Captain of Despair Captain of Gondor Captain of Nargothrond Captain of Sauron Captain of Ships Captain of the Dúnedain of Arnor Captain of the Haven Captain of the Host of the West Captain of the Hosts Captain of the King's Household Captain of the King's Ships Captain of the Southern Army Captain of the White Tower Chieftain of the Dúnedain Chieftain of the North Chieftain of the Ringwraiths Children of Húrin Club-foot Counsellor of the North-kingdom Dagnir Glaurunga Daughter of Uinen Dead (all dead Mortals) Dead (of the Paths of the Dead) Dead Men Doorward of Théoden Dragon-shooter Dread Helm Dúnadan Dwimmerlaik Éadig Eagle of the Star East-victor Easterling Ednew Eledhwen Elentirmo Elessar Elestirnë Elf-Man Elfsheen Elfstone Emerwen Aranel Empty-handed Envinyatar Erchamion Faithful Falastur Farsighted Fat Father of the Isle Fathers of Men Fell Riders First Marshal of the Riddermark Flower of the West Glorious Golden Golden-haired Goldenhead Good Steward Gorthol Great Great Captain Great King Guard of the Tower of Gondor Hammerhand Heir of Anárion Heir of Eärendil Heir of Elendil Heir of Isildur Heir of the House of Hador Hérinkë High King High King of Arnor High Nazgûl High Warden of the White Tower Hildeson |
Hopafoot Horsemaster Hunter Isildur’s Heir King of all the Dúnedain King of Angmar King of Arnor King of Arthedain King of Calenardhon King of Dale King of Gondor King of Gondor and Arnor King of Kings King of Minas Morgul King of Númenor King of Númenórë King of Rhovanion King of Rohan King of the Dead King of the Dúnedain King of the Éothéod King of the Mark King of the Mark of the Riders King of the Mountains King of the Nine Riders King of the North-kingdom King of the Númenóreans King of the Rohirrim King of the Sea King of the Southern Realm King of the West King’s Archers King’s Company King’s Heir King’s Riders King’s Writer Knights Lady of Dor-lómin Lady of Rohan Lady of the Shield-arm Lady of the Star-brow Lady of the Westlands Lame Last-king Léofa Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr Longshanks Lord of Andúnië Lord of Arnor and Gondor Lord of Brethil Lord of Dale Lord of Deeping-coomb Lord of Dol Amroth Lord of Dor-lómin Lord of Emyn Arnen Lord of Gondor Lord of Harrowdale Lord of Lamedon Lord of Lossarnach Lord of Minas Tirith Lord of Morgul Lord of Rohan Lord of the City Lord of the Coasts Lord of the Dúnedain Lord of the Éothéod Lord of the Fields of Rohan Lord of the Havens Lord of the Mark Lord of the Mundburg Lord of the Nazgûl Lord of the Nine Riders Lord of the Ringwraiths Lord of the Rohirrim Lord of the Ships and Havens of Númenor Lord of the Tower of Guard Lord of the White Tower Lord Stewards Lórindol Maid of Tears Mamil Man of the West Man, The Man-hearted Mariner-king Mark-warden Marshal of the East-mark Marshal of the Mark Marshal of the West-mark Master of Doom Master of Lake-town Master of the Forests Messenger of Mordor Moneybags Morgul-king Morgul-lord Mormegil |
Mouth of Sauron Nazgûl Nazgûl Lord Neithan Nine Nine Riders Nine Ringwraiths Nine Servants Nólimon Noman Number One Númenórean Oathbreakers Ohtar Ohtar Old One-hand Onefoot Onya Pale King Prince of Belfalas Prince of Cardolan Prince of Dol Amroth Prince of Ithilien Princess Shepherdess Queen of Elves and Men Queen of Gondor Queen of Númenor Rangers Rangers of Ithilien Regent of Gondor Renewer Riders of the King's House Ringwraiths Roquen Ruler of Gondor Ruler of Númenor Ruling Queen of Númenor Ruling Steward Second Chief Second Marshal of the Riddermark Seer Senya Shadow of the East Shadow-men Sheep-lord Shieldmaidens Ship-king Shriekers Sleepless Dead South-victor Star-watcher Steadfast Steelsheen Steward of Gondor Steward of the Great King Steward of the King Stick-at-naught Stirrupless Stone-houses Strawheads Tall Tar-Elestirnë Tarinya Tarkil Tarks Thalion Third Marshal of the Riddermark Thrice-renowned Turambar Udalraph Uinéniel Úlairi Umbardacil Underking Unhappy Unwilling Usurper Voronda Voronwë Warden of the Houses of Healing Warden of the Keys White Lady White Lady of Emerië White Lady of Rohan Wildman of the Woods Winged Messenger Witch-king of Angmar Witch-lord of Angmar Witchwife Woodwose Worm Wormtongue Wraith-king Wraith-lord Wronged Young |
Individual Men and Women | ||
Adanedhel Adrahil, captain to Ondoher Adrahil, father of Imrahil Adûnakhôr Aerandir Aerin Agarwaen Aghan Ailinel Alcarin Aldamir Aldarion Aldor Algund Almarian Almiel Amandil, father of Elendil Amandil, son of Vardamir Amlach Amlaith of Fornost Anardil of Gondor Anardil of Númenor Anardilya Anárion son of Elendil Anárion son of Ancalimë Anborn Ancalimë Ancalimon Andróg Angamaitë Angbor Angelimir Angrim Appledore, Rowlie Ar-Abattârik Ar-Adûnakhôr Ar-Belzagar Ar-Gimilzôr Ar-Inziladûn Ar-Pharazôn Ar-Sakalthôr Ar-Zimraphel Ar-Zimrathôn Arador Araglas Aragorn I Aragorn II Elessar Aragost Arahad I Arahad II Arahael Aranarth Arantar Aranuir Araphant Araphor Arassuil Aratan Arathorn I Arathorn II Araval Aravir Aravorn Arciryas Ardamir Argeleb I Argeleb II Argonui Artamir Arthad Arvedui Last-king Arvegil Arveleg I Arveleg II Arwen Evenstar Asgon Atanalcar Atanamir Atanatar I Atanatar II Alcarin Aulendil Axantur Bain Balan Baldor Barach Baragund Barahir grandson of Faramir Barahir son of Bregor Barahir son of Hador Baran Baranor Bard I Bard II Barley Barliman Butterbur Belecthor I Belecthor II Beleg Belegorn Belegund Beleth Bëor Beorn Bereg Beregar Beregond, soldier of Gondor Beregond, Steward of Gondor Beren Erchamion Beren of Gondor Beren, father of Emeldir Bereth Bergil Berúthiel Bill Ferny Bór Borlach Borlad Boromir of Ladros Boromir son of Denethor I Boromir son of Denethor II Boron Borondir Borthand Brand Brandir Brego Bregolas Bregor Brodda Brytta Léofa Calimehtar, King of Gondor Calimehtar, son of Calmacil Calimmacil Caliondo Calmacil of Gondor Calmacil of Númenor Castamir Celebrindor Celepharn Cemendur of Gondor Cemendur of Númenor Ceorl Cirion Ciryaher Ciryandil Ciryatur Ciryon Dagnir Dairuin Damrod Denethor I Denethor II Déor Déorwine Dernhelm Derufin |
Dervorin Dior Dírhael Dírhavel Dorlas Duilin Duinhir Dúnhere Eärendil Eärendur, King of Arnor Eärendur, Lord of Andúnië Eärendur, son of Tar-Amandil Eärnil I Eärnil II Eärnur Ecthelion I Ecthelion II Egalmoth Eilinel Elatan Eldacar of Arnor Eldacar of Gondor Eldarion Elendil Elendur King of Arnor Elendur son of Isildur Elfhelm Elfhild Elfwine Elros Emeldir Eofor Éomer Éadig Éomund of Eastfold Éomund of the Éothéod Eorl Éothain Éowyn Eradan Erellont Erendis Erkenbrand Estel Estelmo Falathar Faramir son of Denethor II Faramir son of Ondoher Fastred of the Pelennor Fastred son of Folcwine Fengel Ferny, Bill Findegil Finduilas Fíriel Folca Folcred Folcwine Forlong Forthwini Forweg Fram Fréa Fréaláf Hildeson Fréawine Freca Frumgar Fuinur Galador Galdor Gálmód Gamling Gárulf Gethron Ghân Ghân-buri-Ghân Gildor Gilmith Gilraen Gimilkhâd Gimilzagar Girion Gléowine Glirhuin Glóredhel Goatleaf, Harry Golasgil Goldwine Gorlim the Unhappy Gram Gríma Wormtongue Grimbeorn the Old Grimbold of Westfold Grithnir Gundor Guthláf Hador Steward of Gondor Hador the Golden-haired Halbarad Haldad Haldan Haldar Haldir Haleth daughter of Haldad Haleth son of Helm Hallacar Hallas Hallatan Halmir Háma, Doorward of Théoden Háma, son of Helm Handir Harding Hareth Harry Goatleaf Hathaldir Hathol Hatholdir Heathertoes, Mat Helm Hammerhand Henderch Herefara Herion Herubrand Herucalmo Herumor Herunúmen Hild Hirgon Hirluin Hope Horn Hunthor Huor Húrin I Húrin II Húrin of Emyn Arnen Húrin of the First Age Húrin the Tall Hyarmendacil I Hyarmendacil II Îbal Ill-fate Imlach Imrahil Imrazôr Indor Ingold Inziladûn Inzilbêth Ioreth Iorlas Írildé Írimon Isildur Isilmë Isilmo Ivorwen |
Khamûl Labadal Lalaith Larnach Laughter Léod Léofa Lindissë Lindórië Lorgan Lothíriel Mablung Magor Mairen Malach Aradan Malantur Malbeth the Seer Mallor Malvegil Mámandil Manwendil Marach Mardil Voronwë Marhari Marhwini Mat Heathertoes Meneldil Meneldur Minalcar Minardil Minastan Minastir Minohtar Míriel Morwen Morwen of Lossarnach Morwen Steelsheen Mourning Narmacil I Narmacil II Nessanië Niënor Níniel Níniel Nolondil Númellótë Númendil Núneth Ohtar Ondoher Orchaldor Orleg Ornendil Orodreth Oromendil Ostoher Pelendur Pharazôn Radhruin Ragnir Ragnor Rían Rómendacil I Rómendacil II Rowlie Appledore Sador Sangahyando Secret Silmariën Siriondil, King of Gondor Siriondil, son of Calimmacil Soronto Strider Súrion Tar-Alcarin Tar-Aldarion Tar-Amandil Tar-Anárion Tar-Ancalimë Tar-Ancalimon Tar-Anducal Tar-Ardamin Tar-Atanamir the Great Tar-Calion Tar-Calmacil Tar-Ciryatan Tar-Elendil Tar-Falassion Tar-Herunúmen Tar-Hostamir Tar-Meneldur Tar-Minastir Tar-Minyatur Tar-Míriel Tar-Palantir Tar-Súrion Tar-Telemmaitë Tar-Telemnar Tar-Telperiën Tar-Vanimeldë Tarannon Falastur Tarcil Tarciryan Targon Tarondor of Arnor Tarondor of Gondor Tarostar Tear-maiden Telemnar Telumehtar Umbardacil Thengel Théoden Théodred Théodwyn Thorondir Thorongil Thurin Tim Tindómiel Tom Pickthorn Tuor Turambar King of Gondor Turgon Túrin I Túrin II Túrin son of Húrin Ulbar Uldor the Accursed Ulfang the Black Ulfast Ulrad Ulwarth Úmarth Úner Urthel Urwen Valacar Valandil of Arnor Valandil of Númenor Valandur Vardamir Vardilmë Vardilyë Vassal Vëantur Vidugavia Vidumavi Vinitharya Vinyarion Vorondil Walda Wídfara Wingfoot Wulf Yávië Yávien Zamîn |
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