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- Hills and mountains
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- Lands, realms and regions
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This page provides a selection of links to Tolkien sites of all types from across the Web, large or small. The main list is in alphabetical order, but we've also set aside a section to show the most recent additions to the list.
If you run a Tolkien site of your own, or you have a favourite not listed here, feel free to submit it. Just use our quick link form to send us the details.
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20 Reasons to See the Tolkien BioPic Movie Aiglos (Polish/English) Ainur (English/Italian) Alcarinque: Women of Middle-earth alt.fan.tolkien (Newsgroup) Angmar - Malmö Tolkiensällskap (Swedish) Les Archives de Gondor (French) Arda-na-Kulichkax (Russian) Arda.ir (Persian) Ardapedia (German) Arthedain - Norges Tolkienforening (Norwegian) Associazione Italiana Studi Tolkieniani (Italian/English) The Battle for Middle-earth: The 3rd Age Brazilian Tolkien Society (Portuguese) The Brothers Brick: Middle-earth LEGO Dioramas CBBC Lord of the Rings Message Boards CH-Gefährten (German) Les Champs de Pélennor (French) Chronicles of Arda (Russian) The Compleat Gyde to Tolkien Calendars Costume Crazy: The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings Dan Smith's Fantasy Fonts for Windows Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft e.V. (German) elanillounico.com (Spanish) Elanor (Dutch) Elbenwald - Herr der Ringe (German) The Electronic Tolkien Encyclopedia Project (English/German) Elendili (Polish) Elfenomeno.com (Spanish) The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship Endóre (Italian / English) Endorion (Bulgarian) Ennorath - Interactive map of Middle-earth FanFiction.Net: Lord of the Rings Faszination Tolkien (German) The Fellowship of Middle-earth Fellowship of the Word-smiths (English/French) Film Pán Prstenú (Czech) Film Pán Prstenu - The Lord of the Rings (Czech) Forodrim (Swedish/English) Forum dyskusyjne miłośników twórczości J.R.R. Tolkiena (Polish) Il Fosso di Helm (Italian) From Gandalf to Gollum: Study The Lord of the Rings Glǽmscrafu - Tolkien's Linguistic Cellar (French/German/English) Green Books - Exploring the Words and Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien Heren Istarion: The North East Tolkien Society Hiswelokë - Sindarin Dictionary (French/English) The Hobbit Art Film (Spanish/English) The Hobbit's Survival Guide to Middle-earth (Infographic) Hobbiton (Polish/English) Howard Shore: The Official Website The Hypertextualized Tolkien FAQ An Illustrated Tolkien Bibliography Imladris - Danmarks Tolkienforening (Danish) In Search of Rivendell (Youtube Video) ISDA Edoras (Italian) ISFDB: J.R.R. Tolkien Bibliography Ithilien (Slovak) Jens Hansen Gold & Silversmith JRRVF: J.R.R. Tolkien étudié et commenté (French) Lalaith's Middle-earth Science Pages The Lord of the Rings FanFiction Archive Lord of the Rings Fantasy World The Lord of the Rings Image Library The Lord of the Rings Soundtrack The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II Wiki Guide |
The Magical Art of J.R.R. Tolkien Marquette University: J.R.R. Tolkien Collection Merry Brandybuck (English/Italian) Middle-earth & J.R.R. Tolkien Blog Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards Archive Middle-earth Reunion: The Alternative Tolkien Society The Mithril Awards for Tolkien Fanfiction Mithril Miniatures Tolkien Figures Mittelerde-Portal.de (German) Les Mondes d'Eowyn (French) MUME - Multi Users in Middle Earth The Music of the Lord of the Rings Films Narchost (Italian) The Nerd of the Rings (YouTube channnel) i Nili o i Ardanole Newsletter Orta Dünya (Turkish) Österreichische Tolkiengesellschaft (German) Parf Edhellen - Parma Eldaliéva Parma Tyelpelassiva - The Book of Silver Leaves Pictures Gallery of J.R.R. Tolkien Pour Tolkien (French) Quenyalambë (Czech) rec.arts.books.tolkien (Newsgroup) Reise nach Mittelerde (German) Resources for a Better World: Lord of the Rings Resources for Tolkienian Linguistics A Rumour of Adventure: An Inklings Story Sentieri Tolkieniani (Italian) Das Sindarin Lexikon (German) sindict - Sindarin and Noldorin Dictionary Sociedad Tolkien Española (Spanish) Società Tolkieniana Italiana (Italian) Songs of Middle-earth (Czech/English) Soronel's Home Page (Italian) Společnost přátel díla pana J.R.R. Tolkiena (Czech) Suomen Tolkien-seura ry (Finnish/English) Ted Nasmith - Tolkien Illustrator La Terre du Milieu (French) Thror.de (German/English) Tinw's Lord of the Rings Research and Writings The Tolkien Estate (English/French/Spanish) Tolkien NL Wiki (Dutch) Tolkien Society of St. Petersburg (Russian) The Tolkien Usenet Groups' Web-site Project Tolkien.nu (Swedish) Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth Tolkien: The Official Online Bookshop Tolkiendil (French) Tolkienforum (German) Tolkiens Arda (Swedish) Tolkiens-Welt.de (German) Tuckborough | The Thain's Book Uncyclopedia: Google Middle Earth Unquendor (Dutch) Uppsala Tolkiensällskap (Swedish) Valinor (Portuguese) Völgyzugoly - Magyar Tolkien Oldalak (Magyar) |
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