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- Updated 26 May 2015
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The rich and ancient languages of the Elves
A general term for the languages of the Elves. In Middle-earth, it most commonly refers to Sindarin, but can also apply to Quenya, the High-elven tongue. Other Elvish languages in Middle-earth include dialects derived from Sindarin (for example, the language of the Wood-elves of Thranduil).
There were numerous branches and sub-branches of the Elvish tongues spoken by different peoples in different parts of Middle-earth and Aman. The list below highlights the main variations.
Eldarin |
In principle, this term refers to the root tongue spoken by all the Eldar, from which most other widely-spoken variations of Elvish derived. In practice, the term tends to be used as a synonym for High Eldarin, more commonly called Quenya, the language spoken among the Vanyar and the Noldor who crossed the Great Sea to dwell with the Valar in Aman. |
Nandorin |
The Nandor were a group of Teleri who abandoned the Great Journey east of the Misty Mountains. Their language was therefore presumably an offshoot of Telerin, but we have little record of it. In combination with elements of Sindarin, ancient Nandorin gave rise to the Silvan Elvish tongue. |
Noldorin |
The branch of the Elvish tongue spoken by the Noldor, which itself broke into several branches, primarily due to the exodus of many of the Noldor back to Middle-earth. The Noldorin spoken by these Exiles was greatly influenced by the Sindarin language more commonly used in their new home, absorbing and adapting new words and concepts. After the First Age ended, many of the speakers of this Exilic Noldorin returned across the Sea to dwell in Tol Eressëa, and Noldorin was an important language on that island. |
Quenya |
An ancient Elvish language preserved by the High Elves in Aman. In Middle-earth it was far less common than the Sindarin tongue, with which it indeed shared a common root recognisable in many words and names. East of the Great Sea, therefore, Quenya tended to remain the preserve of loremasters and poets rather than the common people. |
Silvan Elvish |
The Silvan Elves were a branch of the Nandor, and their language grew out of Nandorin, at least in part. At one time Silvan Elvish was the native tongue of the peoples of Lórien and Mirkwood, but the influence of Sindarin leaders in both those lands meant that the Silvan tongue fell out of use. By the end of the Third Age, Silvan Elvish only survived in a handful of historical names. |
Sindarin |
In origin the language of the Grey-elves or Sindar, a branch of the Teleri who settled in the central forests of Beleriand. Led by the great King Thingol and his Maia Queen Melian, they were the most noble of all the Elves east of the Great Sea, and their language became the pre-eminent form of Elvish spoken in Middle-earth. Being so widely used, Sindarin divided into several dialects, such as the Númenórean Sindarin used by the Dúnedain, or a variant incorporating Quenya forms used by High Elves in Middle-earth. |
Telerin |
The language of the Third Clan of the Elves, the Teleri, would have formed part of the linguistic foundation for Sindarin (as the Sindar were a part of the Teleri). It was also spoken West of the Sea by the Falmari, those of the Teleri who completed the Great Journey to Aman. Though not generally spoken outside this people, it did have some wider influences (notably, the name Telperion for one of the Two Trees incorporates the Telerin word for 'silver'). |
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From the beginning, the Elves called themselves Quendi, the speaking people. From this name that they chose for themselves - and indeed from the fact that they could choose a name for themselves - it seems that the Elves were capable of some form of language from the moment that they awoke in Middle-earth. |
See also...
Aeglos, Aerandir, Afterborn, Aftercomers, Agathurush, Akallabêth, Alcarinquë, Aldalómë, Aldúya, Alfirin, Alphabet of Daeron, Amon Amarth, Amon Sûl, Anadûnê, Anardilya, [See the full list...]Ancient Speech, Ancient Tongue, Anfalas, Angamaitë, Angerthas, Angrod, Ann-thennath, Anor, Ar-Adûnakhôr, Ar-Sakalthôr, Ar-Zimrathôn, Aradan, Arandur, Arnach, Ash Mountains, Atalantë, Atani, Atarinya, Athrad Angren, Bane of Glaurung, Baraz, Barazinbar, Battle of the Bragollach, Battle-under-Stars, Belegost, Berhael, Birches, Black Chasm, Black Country, Black Pit, Blackroot Vale, Bladorthin, Blood of Stone, Borthand, Bridge of Stonebows, Burárum, Butterflies, Calmindon, Carnil, Carnimírië, Caverns of Helm’s Deep, Certar, Chambers of Fire, Children of Aulë, Children of Earth, Cirith Forn en Andrath, Cirth, Cloud of Ungoliant, Cordial of Imladris, Coron Oiolairë, Cram, Culumalda, Culúrien, Curunír, Cúthalion, Dark Elves, Daur, Daur, Debatable Land, Deer’s Leap, Deldúwath, Delta of Anduin, Doors of Durin, Dor-en-Ernil, Drûg-folk, Drughu, Drúin, Drúnos, Dwarves, Dwarves of the Blue Mountains, Eagles’ Cleft, East Anórien, East Vale, East-victor, Eastlands of Middle-earth, Echoing Hills, Edain, Eilenaer, Elder Race, Elf-friends, Elf-speech, Elfsheen, Elfstan Fairbairn, Elfstone, Elu Thingol, Elven-tongue, Elvenland, Elves of Harlindon, Emerwen Aranel, Emyn Duir, Endor, Endóre, Entulessë, Enyd, Éoherë, Ephel, Ered Engrin, Ered Nimrais, Eriador, Eruhíni, Eryn Galen, Eryn Vorn, Ethraid Engrin, Ever-snow-white, Ever-summer, Faerie, Fangorn, Fangorn Forest, Fangorn’s Wood, Far-wanderer, Fëanorian, Fimbrethil, Flower of the West, Foamriders, Folk under the Mountain, Ford of Brithiach, Ford of Stones, Fords of Aros, Forelithe, Forest between the Rivers, Forest of Fangorn, Forest of the Great Fear, Forest under Nightshade, Foreyule, Forlond, Fountain of Tinúviel, Full Muster, Gabilgathol, Galadhriel, Galadriel, Galvorn, Gate of Mordor, Gate-stream, Gates of Summer, Glǣmscrafu, Glingal, Goblin-cleaver, Goldenhead, Gondorians, Gorse, Great Battle, Great Bridge, Great Hall of Feasts, Great Middle Haven, Great Song, Great Tower, Great Water, Green Hills, Green-elves, Greenleaf, Grey Fool, Grey Messenger, Greycloak, Guarded Realm, Gwaeron, Hadhodrond, Haerast, Halethrim, Half-elven, Half-elven, Halls of Awaiting, Halls of Mandos, Haranyë, Haudh in Gwanûr, Haudh-en-Ndengin, Haunted Pass, Havens of the Shipwrights, Heart of Fire, Helluin, Hensday, Heren Istarion, Hérinkë, Hevenesdei, Hevensday, High Eldarin, High Ones of Arda, High Speech, Hihdei, Hill of Hearing, Hill of the Eye, Hills of the Hunters, Himlad, Hithaeglir, Hithui, Hollin Gate, Hollowbold, Holy Ones, Horse-country, Horse-lords, Horse-men, Hound of Sauron, Iavas, Imladris, Incánus, Iron of Death, Isenmouthe, Istar, Jaws of Thirst, Karningul, Kelvar, Kibil-nâla, King of Númenor, King of Númenórë, Kingdom of Earth, Kings’ Norbury, King’s Party, Kingsland, Knights, Laburnums, Lady of the Star-brow, Laiquendi, Lampwrights’ Street, ’Lân, Land of Bow and Helm, Land of Gift, Land of Seven Rivers, Land of the Prince, Landroval, Langstrand, Larks, Lassemista, Last Mountain, Lay of Leithian, Lay of Lúthien, Lay of Nimrodel, Leaflock, Light-tower, Linaewen, Lindórië, Linnods, Living Creatures, Loeg Ningloron, Lómelindi, Lone-lands, Long Cape, Long Wall, Longbeards, Lord of Moria, Lord of the Breath of Arda, Lord of the Havens, Lord of the West, Loremasters, Lórien of the Blossom, Lórindol, Lothron, Lugbúrz, Luinil, Lúva, Malinalda, Mamil, Mar-nu-Falmar, Master of Fangorn’s Wood, Masters of Stone, Mellon, Mellyrn (Mallorns), Men of Rhûn, Men of the North-west, Men of the Riddermark, Men of the Three Houses, Men of the West, Menel, Menelmacar, Meresdei, Mering Stream, Methedras, Mickleburg, Minastir, Minlamed thent / estent, Mírdain, Misty Mountains, Mithlond, Monday, Moontower, Moors of the Nibin-noeg, Morgul, Morgul Valley, Mornan, Morrowdim, Mount Fang, Mountain of Fire, Mountains of Lune, Mountains of Shadow, Mountains of Turgon, Mourning, Nan Curunír, Nárië, Narrow Ice, Nen Hithoel, Nénar, Netted Stars, New Year, Nibin-Nogrim, Nîn-in-Eilph, Nínui, Nísinen, Nogothrim, Norbury of the Kings, Númellótë, Númenórean Sindarin, Ohtar, Old Guesthouse, Old Púkel-wilderness, Oldest and Fatherless, Olofantur, One-hand, Onya, Orgilion, Orithil, Outer Ocean, Over-heaven, Parmatéma, Pass of Imladris, Periannath, Pillar of Heaven, Pillar of the Heavens, Powers of Arda, Prince of the Halflings, Princess Shepherdess, Queen of the Earth, Quickbeam, Rainbow Cleft, Rath Celerdain, Rathlóriel, Red Book of the Periannath, Red Maw, Redhorn, Regent of Gondor, Remmirath, ‘Return’, Rider of Last Hope, Riders of the Mark, Ring of Adamant, Ring of Water, Ringarë, River Baranduin, River Bralda-hîm, River Branda-nîn, River Carnen, River Celduin, River Greyflood, River Greylin, River Gwathir, River Hoarwell, River Limliht, River Mitheithel, River Redwater, River Rhibdad, River Rhibdath, River Rhimdath, River Rushdown, River Thalos, Rochan, Rochand, Rochann, Rochír-rim, Rochirrim, Róg, Rohirrim, Roots of the Pillar, Rose Gamgee, Rothinzil, Sarn Gebir, Saruman, Sea-elves, Sea-Wing, Seal of the Stewards, Second People, Secondborn, Senya, Serpents, Seven Rivers of Ossir, Shadowmere, Shadowy Mountains, Sharbhund, Shathûr, Ship of Long-foam, Shire Calendar, Sickly, Silent Land, Silpion, Silvan Elves, Silvan Elvish, Silver-foot, Silver-steel, Sindacollo, Singollo, Sîr Angren (River Angren), Sîr Ninglor, Sirannon, Snowthorn, Song of the Sun and Moon, Soronúmë, Spear of Gil-galad, Spyhill, Star of Eärendil, Star of Elendil, Star of High Hope, Star-spray, Starlight, Starmoon, Stoningland, Stunted People, Súlimo, Sunday, Sunnendei, Sunset, Sutherland, Swanfleet, Swanhaven, Sweet Galenas, Sword Reforged, Swordsman of the Sky, Tar-Ancalimon, Tar-Calion, Tar-Ciryatan, Tar-Herunúmen, Tar-Telemnar, Tareldar, Tarmenel, Taur e-Ndaedelos, Tauremorna, Tauremornalómë, Tawarwaith, Tehtar, Témar, Thangail, The Angle, The Bragollach, The East, The Ethir, The Farsighted, The Glorious, The Golden-haired, The Gore, The Great, The Naith, The Pillar, The Powers, The Rapids, The Renewer, The Secret, The Sheen, The South, The Steadfast, The Towers, The Valiant, The Wayward, The White, Thudder-Sharp, Thurin, Tincotéma, Torech Ungol, Torog, Tower of Anor, Tower of Ingwë, Tower of the Sun, Towers of Mist, Tree-people, Treebeard, Trewesdei, Trewsday, Trollshaws, Tuilë, Uilos, Úlairi, Úner, Úrimë, Úrui, Valanya, Vale of the Land of the Singers, Valinorean, Valley of Saruman, Valley of the Wraiths, Vardarianna, Vása, Vidumavi, Voronda, Walls of the World, Wandlimb, Wars of Beleriand, Water of Awakening, Waterlands of the Swans, Western Mountains, White Lady of Gondolin, White Lady of the Noldor, White Messenger, White Mountains, White Tree of Tol Eressëa, Wilderland, Window of the Sunset, Window on the West, Wizards, Wizard’s Vale, Wolf-men, Wood of Greenleaves, Woses, Yávië, Yôzâyan, Zirak, Zirakzigil
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- Updated 26 May 2015
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