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- Updated 12 February 2008
- Updates planned: 22
The Country of Balar
Bounded to the north and east by mountain chains, and to the south and west by the Great Sea, Beleriand and the lands to the north were the setting for much of the Silmarillion. Originally, the name 'Beleriand' applied only to the country around the Bay of Balar, but as time passed the name came to be given to the entire land. In the final battle that saw the ultimate defeat of Morgoth, Beleriand was broken and destroyed - only parts of Ossiriand in the east remained, to be renamed Lindon in later ages.
See also...
Alatáriel, Alphabet of Daeron, Aman, Amlach, Amon Darthir, Amon Ereb, Amon Rûdh, Ancient Tongue, Andram, Anfauglith, Angerthas Daeron, Apanónar, Aradan, Ard-galen, Arda, [See the full list...]Arthórien, Arvernien, Atanatári, Awakening of Men, Balan, Balrogs, Bane of Glaurung, Bar-en-Nibin-noeg, Battle of the Bragollach, Battle-under-Stars, Bay of Balar, Bëor, Bëorians, Bereg, Black King, Black Sword of the South, Blood of Stone, Blue Mountains, Bór, Borlach, Borlad, Boromir, Boron, Borthand, Bow of Bregor, Cape Balar, Caranthir, Caverns of Narog, Celandines, Celegorm, Child of the Twilight, Círdan the Shipwright, Curse of Mandos, Dagor Aglareb, Dagor Bragollach, Dagor-nuin-Giliath, Dark Elves, Dark Enemy, Dark Hand, Dark King, Dark Lord, Dark Power of the North, Dimbar, Dírhavel, Doom, Doors of Angband, Doors of Nargothrond, Dor Caranthir, Dor-lómin, Dor-nu-Fauglith, Doriath, Dorthonion, Downfall of Melkor, Drû-folk, Drúedain of Beleriand, Drûg-folk, Drúnos, Dwarf-kind, Dwarves, Dwarves of the Blue Mountains, Eagles of the Crissaegrim, East Beleriand, East-elves, Edain, Edain of the North, Edhelrim, Edhil, Eglador, Eglarest, Eglath, Eithel Ivrin, Eldar, Eldar of Hithlum, Eldar of the West, Eldar of Valinor, Eldest Days, Elf-kings, Elms, Elu Thingol, Elven-halls, Elven-wise, Elvenesse, Elves, Elves of Beleriand, Elves of Doriath, Elves of Gondolin, Elves of Harlindon, Elves of Lindon, Elves of Mithrim, Elves of Ossiriand, Elves of Sirion, Elves of the Falas, Elves of the Havens, Elves of the Twilight, Elvish, Elvish World, Enemy of Men and Elves, Ered Engrin, Ered Gorgoroth, Ered Lómin, Ered Wethrin, Ereinion Gil-galad, Estolad, Evil Breath, Evil of the North, Falathrim, Falls of Ivrin, Falmari, Fathers of the Númenóreans, Fëanor, Fëanorians, Fell Winter of the First Age, Ferns, Fifth Battle, Filbert, Fingolfin, Fingon, First Age, First Battle, Forest between the Rivers, Forest under Night, Forsaken Elves, Forsaken People, Fourth Battle, Friend-of-Men, Gabilgathol, Galadriel, Gasping Dust, Gates of Sirion, Gaurwaith, Gelmir, Gethron, Glamdring, Glorious Battle, Gods, Golodhrim, Gondolin, Gorse, Gorthaur, Gorthol, Great Enemy, Great Lands, Great Wars, Greater Gelion, Green-elves, Grey-elven, Grey-elves, Grey-elves of Mithrim, Greymantle, Grithnir, Guarded Realm, Guild of Weaponsmiths, Hadhodrond, Haerast, Haladin, Halethrim, Halmir, Hathol, Haudh-en-Arwen, Havens of Círdan, Havens of Sirion, Havens of the Ships, Havens of the Shipwrights, Hazel, Hidden City, Hidden King, Hidden Realm, Hidden Rock, High Elves, High Folk of the West, High King of the Noldor, Hill of Himring, Hill of Spies, Himring, Hísilómë, Hithaeglir, Hither Shore, Hithlum, Hound of Valinor, House of Finarfin, House of Fingolfin, Hunting of the Wolf, Huor, Húrin, Ithilbor, King of Nargothrond, King of the Eldar, King of the Elves, King of the North, King’s Sword, Ladros, Lady of Dor-lómin, Ladybarrow, Laiquendi, Lake Helevorn, Land of Caranthir, Land of Mist, Land of the Elves, Land of the Girdle, Lenwë, Lindon, Lisgardh, Little Gelion, Long Peace, Long Wall, Lord of Beleriand, Lord of Middle-earth, Lord of Nogrod, Lord of the Dark, Losgar, Lothlann, Maedhros, Maglor, Maglor’s Gap, Marach, March of Maedhros, Master of the Fates of Arda, Master of the Grey Havens, Melian, Men, Men of Darkness, Men of Dorthonion, Men of Hador’s House, Men of Haleth, Men of Hithlum, Men of the Lake, Men of the Long Lake, Men of the Mountains, Men of the North-west, Men of the Three Houses, Mereth Aderthad, Middle Men, Middle-earth, Minas Tirith, Misty Mountains, Mithrim, Morgoth, Mount Dolmed, Mountains of Dor-lómin, Mountains of Iron, Mountains of Lune, Nan Dungortheb, Nan-tasarion, Nandor, Nandorin, Narn i Chîn Húrin, Narrow Land, Nevrast, Nibin-noeg, Nimbrethil, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Noldor of Gondolin, Nóm, Nómin, Norland, North Wind, Northern Lands, Northlands, Nulukkizdîn, Númenor, Númenórean Sindarin, Olwë, Ondolindë, Orc-hunters, Orod-na-Thôn, Ossiriand, Pass of Anach, People of Bëor, People of Hador, People of Narog, People of the Great Journey, Pools of Ivrin, Power of the North, Powers of the World, Queen of Doriath, Ramdal, Reeds, Return of the Noldor, Ring of Barahir, River Aros, River Baranduin, River Esgalduin, River Gelion, River Ginglith, River Malduin, River Mindeb, River Nenning, River Teiglin, Ruin of Beleriand, Ruin of Doriath, Rulers of Arda, Rushock Bog, Sauron’s Isle, Sea-elves, Second Age, Second Battle, Second Spring of Arda, Seven Rivers of Ossir, Shadow of Morgoth, Shadowy Isles, Shadowy Mountains, Silvan Elvish, Sindacollo, Sindar, Sindar of Beleriand, Sindar of Nevrast, Sindarin, Singollo, Snowthorn, Song of the Great Bow, Sons of Fëanor, Sources of Narog, Spiders, Stone of the Hapless, Stonecrop, Swarthy Men, Tale of Grief, Tale of the Children of Húrin, Taras-ness, Tasarinan, Taur-im-Duinath, Taur-na-neldor, Taur-nu-Fuin, Teleri of Valinor, The Black, The Blessed, The Dragon, The East, The Easterling, The Encampment, The Ever-cold, ‘The Fall of Gondolin’, The Highway, The North, The North, The Old, The Singers, The Star, The Sun, The Wise, Third Battle, Third Clan, Third House of the Edain, Three Houses of Men, Three Houses of the Edain, Three Houses of the Elf-friends, Three Jewels, Throne of Morgoth, Thudder-Sharp, Tol Fuin, Tol Morwen, Tûr Haretha, Turgon, Túrin, Two Captains, Tyrn Gorthad, Ulmo, Úmanyar, Union of Maedhros, Valley of Dreadful Death, Vassal, Voyage of Eärendil, Wall’s End, War of the Jewels, War of Wrath, Wars of Beleriand, Wasps, West Beleriand, West March, West of Middle-earth, Western Mountains, White Mountains, Wide World, Wild Elves, Wild Men, Wise People, Wolf of Angband, Wolf-heads, Wolf-men, Years of the Trees, Yews
About this entry:
- Updated 12 February 2008
- Updates planned: 22
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