Ivrin's lake is endless laughter.
Lo! cool and clear by crystal fountains
she is fed unfailing, from defilement warded..."
The History of Middle-earth, volume III
The Lays of Beleriand
The Lay of the Children of Húrin, lines 1526-8
A series of waterfalls that sprang from the southern face of Ered Wethrin, or the Mountains of Shadow. Their waters flowed together to create the lake at Ivrin, from which the River Narog, one of the great rivers of Beleriand, had its source. The Falls and the lake were said to be under the special protection of the Vala Ulmo, and they remained undefiled until the coming of Glaurung late in the First Age.
About this entry:
- Updated 4 December 2018
- Updates planned: 1
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