The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
I 337 - I 432 (lived 95 years)1
bo'romeerr ('rr' emphasises that the final r sound should be distinctly pronounced)
'Faithful jewel'
This is not the same Boromir who accompanied the Fellowship of the Ring, but his distant ancestor; for details of the more famous bearer of this name, see Boromir, son of Denethor II (there was also a Steward of Gondor who bore the same name, for whom see the entry for Steward Boromir)


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 September 2008
  • This entry is complete


Lord of Ladros in the First Age


Many of the characters in Boromir's immediate family appear nowhere outside The History of Middle-earth, and apart from his father Boron and his son Bregor, this genealogy is provisional. Boromir's daughter Andreth is the subject of a lengthy, though non-canonical, account of her own. See her entry in the Excyclopedia for more information.

Lords of Ladros

The son of Boron of the House of Bëor, and thus a great-grandson of Bëor the Old, one of the first generation of Men to cross into Beleriand. Boromir was granted the lordship of the land of Ladros, a highland country to the east of Dorthonion. We have no detailed history of his life there, but it is known that he ruled during the time known as the Long Peace, when Morgoth and his armies were contained by the Siege of Angband. He was succeeded by his son Bregor.

Boromir of Ladros was the first of Men to bear that name, but by no means the last. A short-lived Steward Boromir ruled Gondor during the twenty-fifth century of the Third Age and, rather more famously, Boromir of the Company of the Ring also took his name from this immensely distant ancestor.



These dates are taken from a genealogy of the House of Bëor reproduced in volume XI of The History of Middle-earth (The War of the Jewels). They are not therefore completely canonical, but they do fit the narrative established in The Silmarillion. Boromir was appointed tha first lord of Ladros, and this must presumably have been after his father's death in I 403 (otherwise Boron would have been made lord), but we have no more precise dating for his rule.


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 September 2008
  • This entry is complete

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Lord of Ladros in the First Age

I 337 - I 432 (lived 95 years)1
bo'romeerr ('rr' emphasises that the final r sound should be distinctly pronounced)
'Faithful jewel'
This is not the same Boromir who accompanied the Fellowship of the Ring, but his distant ancestor; for details of the more famous bearer of this name, see Boromir, son of Denethor II (there was also a Steward of Gondor who bore the same name, for whom see the entry for Steward Boromir)


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 September 2008
  • This entry is complete


Lord of Ladros in the First Age


Many of the characters in Boromir's immediate family appear nowhere outside The History of Middle-earth, and apart from his father Boron and his son Bregor, this genealogy is provisional. Boromir's daughter Andreth is the subject of a lengthy, though non-canonical, account of her own. See her entry in the Excyclopedia for more information.

Many of the characters in Boromir's immediate family appear nowhere outside The History of Middle-earth, and apart from his father Boron and his son Bregor, this genealogy is provisional. Boromir's daughter Andreth is the subject of a lengthy, though non-canonical, account of her own. See her entry in the Excyclopedia for more information.

Lords of Ladros

The son of Boron of the House of Bëor, and thus a great-grandson of Bëor the Old, one of the first generation of Men to cross into Beleriand. Boromir was granted the lordship of the land of Ladros, a highland country to the east of Dorthonion. We have no detailed history of his life there, but it is known that he ruled during the time known as the Long Peace, when Morgoth and his armies were contained by the Siege of Angband. He was succeeded by his son Bregor.

Boromir of Ladros was the first of Men to bear that name, but by no means the last. A short-lived Steward Boromir ruled Gondor during the twenty-fifth century of the Third Age and, rather more famously, Boromir of the Company of the Ring also took his name from this immensely distant ancestor.



These dates are taken from a genealogy of the House of Bëor reproduced in volume XI of The History of Middle-earth (The War of the Jewels). They are not therefore completely canonical, but they do fit the narrative established in The Silmarillion. Boromir was appointed tha first lord of Ladros, and this must presumably have been after his father's death in I 403 (otherwise Boron would have been made lord), but we have no more precise dating for his rule.


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 September 2008
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2007-2008. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.
Our interactive DISC interpretation service explains the key features of some of the more common DISC profile shapes.