The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Spring I 472
The northern marches of Beleriand and the desert of Anfauglith
Fought by Elves and Men against the forces of Angband, mostly composed of Orcs
The Elves who fought in the battle were primarily Noldor, while the Men belonged to the Edain (with a number of Easterlings)
Designed to be an assault on the seat of Morgoth in Angband
ni'rnaeth arnoi'diad (where ae is pronounced like English 'eye')
Unnumbered Tears (literally, 'tears beyond count')
Other names
Battle of Unnumbered Tears, The Fifth Battle, Unnumbered Tears; the name of this battle is often abbreviated to simply 'The Nirnaeth' (that is, 'The Tears')


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 August 1998
  • Updates planned: 6

Nirnaeth Arnoediad

The Battle of Unnumbered Tears

Battles of the Wars of Beleriand

The fifth and last of the great battles of Beleriand, called the Unnumbered Tears, in which the Noldor and their allies the Edain purposed the final overthrow of Morgoth, but were themselves defeated utterly.

See also...

Aerin, Algund, Amon Rûdh, Androth, Aranwë, Arroch, Asgon, Azaghâl, Balrogs, Barad Eithel, Barad Nimras, Battle of Unnumbered Tears, Black King, Black Thorn of Brethil, Borlach, [See the full list...]


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 August 1998
  • Updates planned: 6

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Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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Nirnaeth Arnoediad

The Battle of Unnumbered Tears

Spring I 472
The northern marches of Beleriand and the desert of Anfauglith
Fought by Elves and Men against the forces of Angband, mostly composed of Orcs
The Elves who fought in the battle were primarily Noldor, while the Men belonged to the Edain (with a number of Easterlings)
Designed to be an assault on the seat of Morgoth in Angband
ni'rnaeth arnoi'diad (where ae is pronounced like English 'eye')
Unnumbered Tears (literally, 'tears beyond count')
Other names
Battle of Unnumbered Tears, The Fifth Battle, Unnumbered Tears; the name of this battle is often abbreviated to simply 'The Nirnaeth' (that is, 'The Tears')


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 August 1998
  • Updates planned: 6

Nirnaeth Arnoediad

The Battle of Unnumbered Tears

Battles of the Wars of Beleriand

The fifth and last of the great battles of Beleriand, called the Unnumbered Tears, in which the Noldor and their allies the Edain purposed the final overthrow of Morgoth, but were themselves defeated utterly.

See also...

Aerin, Algund, Amon Rûdh, Androth, Aranwë, Arroch, Asgon, Azaghâl, Balrogs, Barad Eithel, Barad Nimras, Battle of Unnumbered Tears, Black King, Black Thorn of Brethil, Borlach, [See the full list...]


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 August 1998
  • Updates planned: 6

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.
Discus is a powerful, flexible DISC profile solution - find out much more in our free guide.