The treacherous Easterling who, with his three sons, allied himself with Caranthir son of Fëanor. His sons followed Caranthir to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, but granted Morgoth the victory when they turned suddenly against the Sons of Fëanor.
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Though the betrayal of the Noldor by Ulfang's people was unquestionably driven by Ulfang himself, there's no mention of his being present at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad to put his plots into action. Instead it was left to his three sons to turn the tide of the battle in favour of Morgoth. This implies that Ulfang had died before the battle, though he may simply have been too old to take part. |
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Ulfang's name seems clearly interpretable as 'wolf fang' (or possibly some related form, such as 'seizing wolf'). These interpretations would make a linguistic connection between Ulfang's people and the Northmen who gave rise to the Rohirrim, though the two peoples were physically quite different. It seems unlikely that Tolkien intended a connection here (indeed at the time he named Ulfang, the Rohirrim would not be invented for some years). In volume V of The History of Middle-earth, it's said that this people spoke a quite alien language, so that it's possible that the simple interpretation 'wolf fang' is misleading, and this name has another meaning that remains unknown. |
See also...
Borlach, Borlad, Borthand, Easterlings, Fifth Battle, Swarthy Men, The Accursed, The Black, Uldor the Accursed, Ulfast, Ulwarth
About this entry:
- Updated 23 January 2009
- Updates planned: 18
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