Created soon after the coming of the Valar to Valinor; destroyed shortly before the first rising of the Sun
On the mound of Ezellohar, to the west of Valmar
Made by Yavanna, and watered by the tears of Nienna
Created by the Valar to shed Light on their land, in which Maiar and Elves also dwelt
The Two Trees stood near the city of Valmar
Other names
About this entry:
- Updated 31 October 2013
- Updates planned: 1
The Two Trees of Valinor (conjectural)
The Two Trees of Valinor (conjectural)
Telperion and Laurelin, the Trees of Silver and Gold that brought light to the land of the Valar in ancient times. They were destroyed by Melkor and Ungoliant, but their last flower and fruit were made by the Valar into the Moon and the Sun.
Telperion |
The first of the Two Trees to come into bloom, Telperion was thus known as the Eldest of Trees. The leaves of this Tree were dark green above, but shone beneath with a silver-white light, and its boughs were filled with silver flowers that dropped a shining dew onto the ground. It was from this dew that Varda formed the brightest stars. After Telperion was destroyed by Melkor and Ungoliant, it was the last of his silver flowers that the Valar formed into the Moon. |
Laurelin |
Laurelin the Golden Tree came to its full light seven hours after Telperion, and thereafter the Two Trees waxed and waned, silver and golden, throughout the long Years of the Trees. The edges of Laurelin's leaves shone with golden light, and beneath the branches of the Tree clusters of gleaming golden flowers grew. After the Darkening of Valinor, the last golden fruit of Laurelin was taken by the Valar and sent into the sky as the Sun. |
See also...
Aldëa, Aldudénië, Aldúya, Almaren, Aman, Anar, Angainor, Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, Avathar, Bay of Elvenhome, Belthil, Black King, Bridge of Esgalduin, Calacirian, Calacirya, [See the full list...]Calaquendi, Captivity of Melkor, Cloud of Ungoliant, Corollairë, Coron Oiolairë, Culúrien, Dagor Dagorath, Dark Elf, Dark Enemy, Dark Lord, Dark Power of the North, Darkening of Valinor, Days of Bliss, Dead Tree, Deathless Lands, Deep Elves, Eglador, Eldar of the West, Eldar of Valinor, Eldest of Trees, Elemmírë, Elu Thingol, Elves, Elves beyond the Sea, Elves of the Darkness, Elves of the Light, Elves of Valinor, Elvish, Elvish World, Evening Star, Ever-eve, Exiles from Valinor, Ezellohar, Fëanor, Fifth Gate, Fingon, First Battle, Flame of Anor, Galadriel, Gate of Silver, Glingal, Golden Gate, Golden Tree, Gondolin, Great Echo, Great Enemy, Great Jewels, Green Mound, Guarded Realm, Helluin, Hiding of Valinor, High Elves, Hound of Valinor, Hyarmentir, Isil, Jewels of Fëanor, Kindler, King of the World, Laburnums, Lady of the Noldor, Lament for the Two Trees, Last Battle, Laurelin, Laurinquë, Light in the West, Light of Aman, Light of the Trees, Light of Valinor, Light-elves, Long Night, Lord of Beleriand, Lords of the West, Máhanaxar, Malinalda, Melkor, Middle-earth, Morgoth, Moriquendi, Mountain of Manwë, Mountain Wall, Narrow Ice, Narsilion, Nienna, Night-fearers, Ninquelótë, Noldor, Noontide of Valinor, Nurtalë Valinóreva, Opening Hour, Orgaladh, Orgaladhad, Outer Lands, Over-heaven, Pass of Light, Peace of Arda, People of the Great Journey, People of the Stars, Power of the North, Powers of the World, Ring of Doom, Rulers of Arda, Sauron, Second Battle, Second Prophecy of Mandos, Second Spring of Arda, Secondborn, Silima, Silmarils, Silpion, Silvan Elves, Silver Tree, Sixth Gate, Sleep of Yavanna, Soronúmë, Spiders, Telperion, The Ever-young, The Light, The Moon, The Sheen, The Sun, The Trees, The White, Three Jewels, Tower of the King, Tree of Túna, Trees of Silver and Gold, Trewesdei, Trewsday, Two Kindreds, Two Trees of the Valar, Tyelperion, Ungoliant, Unlight, Unrest of the Noldor, Valley of Dreadful Death, Valmar, War of the Jewels, Wells of Varda, White Tree, White Tree of the Eldar, White Tree of Tol Eressëa, Years of the Sun, Years of the Trees
About this entry:
- Updated 31 October 2013
- Updates planned: 1
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