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Mainly Noldor
Headquartered at the House of the Mírdain in Ost-in-Edhil
Other names
More fully known as the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, the People of the Jewel-smiths
MírdainThe jewel-smiths of EregionThe Founding of the MírdainIn the eighth century of the Second Age, a party of the Noldor left Lindon and crossed the Blue Mountains into Eriador. They settled in a land that came to be called Eregion, near the Dwarf-city of Khazad-dûm in the western shadow of the Misty Mountains, and there they built themselves a city that they named Ost-in-Edhil. The Noldor were a people who esteemed knowledge and craft, and among the settlers in Eregion was Celebrimbor, the grandson of the great artisan Fëanor. These craftsmen formed a powerful and influential society of jewel-smiths. They took their name from the Elvish mírdan 'jewel-smith', becoming known in full as the Gwaith-i-Mírdain or 'People of the Jewel-smiths', a name commonly abbreviated to simply Mírdain or 'jewel-smiths'. They constructed their own great hall in Ost-in-Edhil, the House of the Mírdain, that contained their forges and workshops, as well as treasuries to hold their works. These Mírdain of Eregion were said to have been the greatest smiths of their kind since Fëanor himself. A strong friendship grew up between them and the neighbouring Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, who greatly prized the skill of the Elves of Eregion. This partnership is clearly shown in the Doors of Durin, the West-gate of Moria that opened onto Eregion, which were made by Celebrimbor in partnership with the Dwarf Narvi. Annatar and the Rings of PowerThe Mírdain had been crafting their jewels in Eregion for more than four centuries when a strange visitor came to them. Calling himself Annatar, 'Lord of Gifts', he offered extraordinary knowledge. The other Elves of Middle-earth warned the Mírdain that this stranger was not to be trusted, but the Jewel-smiths were greedy for his lore, and chose to accept his teaching. Annatar remained among the Mírdain for some three centuries, and during that time they grew in knowledge and power until they were ready to begin a great project: the making of the Rings of Power. As they embarked on this task, Annatar departed from the land of Eregion,1 but the Mírdain pressed on with their work, creating many extraordinary Rings. The summit of their work was a series of Three Rings, made by Celebrimbor alone, independently of Annatar's influence. Because of these Three Rings, Celebrimbor uncovered Annatar's secret: he was none other than the Dark Lord Sauron, and had forged a Great Ring for himself. This Ruling Ring would grant Sauron power over all the other Rings and their bearers, but Celebrimbor defied the Dark Lord and sent his Three Rings into hiding. The End of the MírdainFor Sauron, centuries of planning were undone by Celembrimbor's discovery. Enraged, the Dark Lord led an army out of Mordor to invade Eregion and take the Rings of Power by force. The Mírdain attempted to withstand the massed force of Sauron, but they had no hope of success. Celebrimbor made a last stand on the steps of the House of the Mírdain in Ost-in-Edhil, but he was captured. Sauron's forces pillaged the treasuries of the Mírdain, and many of the lesser Rings of Power were taken, including those that would become the Nine Rings of the Nazgûl and the Seven Rings2 of the Dwarves. Though Celebrimbor was tortured, he would not reveal where the Three Rings had been hidden, and so Sauron slew the master of the Jewel-smiths. Thus the last of the Mírdain met his end, more than nine centuries after the founding of the order. Notes
See also...Elven-rings, Elven-smiths, House of the Mírdain, Lord of Eregion, Nine Rings, Ost-in-Edhil, People of the Jewel-smiths, Ring of Adamant, Ring of Durin, Rings of Power For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2015, 2018. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.DISC The Complete Introduction takes you from core ideas to advanced DISC interpretation. |