The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Winter I 455 to spring I 456
The north of Beleriand
An attack by Morgoth (originally one of the Ainur) and his forces against Elves and Men
The battle originated from Morgoth's fortress of Angband
brago'llach (ch as in Scots loch)
'Sudden flame' (a shortening of the battle's fuller name, Dagor Bragollach, meaning 'Battle of Sudden Flame')
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 25 February 2025
  • This entry is complete

The Bragollach

The Ruin of Beleriand

Map of the Bragollach

(1) Barad Eithel withstands the attack in the west; (2) A force breaks through the Pass of Aglon, and Dorthonion is captured; (3) Maedhros survives the attack in his fortress on Himring; (4) Caranthir's fortress on Rerir is overrun, and he flees south; (5) two years after the main battle, Minas Tirith is captured by Sauron.

(1) Barad Eithel withstands the attack in the west; (2) A force breaks through the Pass of Aglon, and Dorthonion is captured; (3) Maedhros survives the attack in his fortress on Himring; (4) Caranthir's fortress on Rerir is overrun, and he flees south; (5) two years after the main battle, Minas Tirith is captured by Sauron.

A shortening of Dagor Bragollach, the Elvish name for the Battle of Sudden Flame that erupted out of Angband in the mid-fifth century of the Years of the Sun. After the Siege of Angband had held for centuries, Morgoth suddenly sent out great flows of liquid fire, and an immense force of Orcs, led by Glaurung, and aided by Balrogs. They swept away the defences of the Elves and Edain, and started a battle that wore on through winter into spring, leaving Morgoth in control of much of the North.


About this entry:

  • Updated 25 February 2025
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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The Bragollach

The Ruin of Beleriand

Winter I 455 to spring I 456
The north of Beleriand
An attack by Morgoth (originally one of the Ainur) and his forces against Elves and Men
The battle originated from Morgoth's fortress of Angband
brago'llach (ch as in Scots loch)
'Sudden flame' (a shortening of the battle's fuller name, Dagor Bragollach, meaning 'Battle of Sudden Flame')
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 25 February 2025
  • This entry is complete

The Bragollach

The Ruin of Beleriand

Map of the Bragollach

(1) Barad Eithel withstands the attack in the west; (2) A force breaks through the Pass of Aglon, and Dorthonion is captured; (3) Maedhros survives the attack in his fortress on Himring; (4) Caranthir's fortress on Rerir is overrun, and he flees south; (5) two years after the main battle, Minas Tirith is captured by Sauron.

(1) Barad Eithel withstands the attack in the west; (2) A force breaks through the Pass of Aglon, and Dorthonion is captured; (3) Maedhros survives the attack in his fortress on Himring; (4) Caranthir's fortress on Rerir is overrun, and he flees south; (5) two years after the main battle, Minas Tirith is captured by Sauron.

A shortening of Dagor Bragollach, the Elvish name for the Battle of Sudden Flame that erupted out of Angband in the mid-fifth century of the Years of the Sun. After the Siege of Angband had held for centuries, Morgoth suddenly sent out great flows of liquid fire, and an immense force of Orcs, led by Glaurung, and aided by Balrogs. They swept away the defences of the Elves and Edain, and started a battle that wore on through winter into spring, leaving Morgoth in control of much of the North.


About this entry:

  • Updated 25 February 2025
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2007, 2024-2025. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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