The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Known as Morgulduin from c. III 20021
Running westward out of the Morgul Vale in Ephel Dúath on Mordor's western border
Ran past Minas Morgul
Into Anduin below Osgiliath
Ran through the Morgul Pass
'River of Morgul' (by association with Minas Morgul, where Morgul means 'black sorcery')


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 December 2017
  • Updates planned: 2


The stream of Imlad Morgul

Map of Morgulduin

The pale stream that flowed out of the valley of Imlad Morgul, and past the gates of Minas Morgul itself, before passing southwestward through Ithilien and out into the River Anduin.



The year III 2002 saw the capture of Gondor's tower of Minas Ithil by the Nazgûl, after which it became known as Minas Morgul. The Morgul nomenclature was also applied to the geography around the tower, so the valley it guarded became Imlad Morgul, the Morgul Vale, and the stream that ran out of that valley became Morgulduin the Morgul river. Before III 2002 Morgulduin would have had a different name, though that name is not recorded in any canonical source. Based on the tower's old name of Minas Ithil, and its association with the land of Ithilien, Ithilduin would seem to have been appropriate, and indeed this name does appear in a list of river names of Gondor (evidently referring to the stream later called Morgulduin) in volumes VII and VIII of The History of Middle-earth.


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 December 2017
  • Updates planned: 2

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The stream of Imlad Morgul

Known as Morgulduin from c. III 20021
Running westward out of the Morgul Vale in Ephel Dúath on Mordor's western border
Ran past Minas Morgul
Into Anduin below Osgiliath
Ran through the Morgul Pass
'River of Morgul' (by association with Minas Morgul, where Morgul means 'black sorcery')


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 December 2017
  • Updates planned: 2


The stream of Imlad Morgul

Map of Morgulduin

The pale stream that flowed out of the valley of Imlad Morgul, and past the gates of Minas Morgul itself, before passing southwestward through Ithilien and out into the River Anduin.



The year III 2002 saw the capture of Gondor's tower of Minas Ithil by the Nazgûl, after which it became known as Minas Morgul. The Morgul nomenclature was also applied to the geography around the tower, so the valley it guarded became Imlad Morgul, the Morgul Vale, and the stream that ran out of that valley became Morgulduin the Morgul river. Before III 2002 Morgulduin would have had a different name, though that name is not recorded in any canonical source. Based on the tower's old name of Minas Ithil, and its association with the land of Ithilien, Ithilduin would seem to have been appropriate, and indeed this name does appear in a list of river names of Gondor (evidently referring to the stream later called Morgulduin) in volumes VII and VIII of The History of Middle-earth.


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 December 2017
  • Updates planned: 2

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1997-2000, 2017. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.
Job and Candidate Matching helps you put the right people in the right roles, strengthening your business and improving your bottom line.