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Raised in Lórien; after her marriage to Elrond, she dwelt mainly in Rivendell, while continuing to visit Lórien
Related to Thingol of Doriath through her father, and descended from the House of Finarfin through her mother
Associated in later life with Rivendell
'Silver queen' or 'silver crown-gift'2
Celebrían, who lived during the Second and Third Ages of Middle-earth, was the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn. She wedded Elrond, and had three children: the twins Elladan and Elrohir, and a daughter, Arwen Evenstar. Because of Elrond's heritage, all three of Celebrían's children were Half-elven, with a choice to be counted among Elves or Men. Celebrían departed from the Grey Havens and sailed into the West some five centuries before the War of the Ring. Of Celebrían's early life we can say very little,3 except that she seems to have been born during the early part of the Second Age, and to have travelled across Middle-earth with her parents, Galadriel and Celeborn. According to one account, the family spent some time in the southern lands that would one day become Gondor, dwelling on the coast at the place that would later be known as Dol Amroth, while other records place them far to the north, on the shores of Nenuial. Various accounts suggest that Celebrían also seems to have dwelt for a time in Eregion, and later to have accompanied her mother Galadriel to Lórien for a time (though this was in a period long before Galadriel took up the rule of that land, which at the time was known as Lórinand). After Galadriel and Celebrían departed from Lórinand, they crossed the Misty Mountains and found their way to Imladris (where Celebrían's father Celeborn had remained during this period). All three remained there for some years, and it was at this time that Elrond first met Celebrían. The two wed in the year III 109, a date which represents our first definite reference to Celebrían in the annals of Middle-earth. The first children of Celebrían and Elrond were born twenty-one years later: a pair of twin sons named Elladan and Elrohir, who would grow up to become great hunters and warriors. More than a century passed before the birth of Celebrían's third child, a daughter, in III 241. This was Arwen, who became known as the Evenstar of the Elves in Middle-earth. Arwen was born in a time when the North-kingdom of Arnor was still united under the rule of Isildur's son Valandil; nearly three thousand years in the future, she would wed Isildur's distant descendant Aragorn in faraway Gondor. For more than two millennia, Celebrían dwelt in Rivendell with Elrond and their children. At this time Celebrían had in her keeping the Elessar, a potent green stone set in a brooch carved in the form of an Eagle, which she had received from her mother Galadriel,4 and in turn she passed it to her own daughter Arwen. (Arwen would eventually give it back to Galadriel, so that it could be granted to Aragorn during the Quest of Mount Doom.) After the loss of Amroth in III 1981, Celeborn and Galadriel took up the rule of his former land to become the Lord and Lady of Lórien, and at times Celebrían would make the journey from Rivendell across the Misty Mountains to visit them. The centuries that followed saw Sauron return to Dol Guldur out of the East, and the Orcs began to multiply in Middle-earth. Secret Orc-holds were made in the Misty Mountains, and during one of her journeys to Lórien in III 2509, Celebrían and her escort found themselves ambushed as they travelled over the Redhorn Pass. Celebrían's escort was driven off, but she herself was captured and carried away by the Orcs to their mountain holds. There she was tormented and received a poisoned wound, before her sons Elladan and Elrohir were able to find and rescue her.5 She was taken back to Rivendell, where her husband Elrond used his healing arts to cure her poisoned wound. Though her body had been healed by Elrond, Celebrían's ordeal in the Orc-dens had left her filled with dread and fear, and she conceived a desire to depart from Middle-earth. In the following year, III 2510, Elrond agreed, and Celebrían travelled to the Grey Havens to board a ship bound into the West. More than five hundred years passed from that time until the War of the Ring, but after its end, Elrond and Galadriel also set out into the West aboard the White Ship. So, after five centuries, Celebrían was reunited with the husband and the mother she had left behind in Middle-earth. Notes
See also...Aragost, Arwen Evenstar, Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Elessar, Elladan, Elrohir, Galadriel, Lady of Rivendell, Meneldil, Misty Mountains, Sons of Elrond For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1999, 2001, 2022. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.Personality is one part of understanding a candidate's suitability, but aptitudes and skills are also key. |