The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien


About this entry:

  • Updated 11 February 2025
  • Updates planned: 2

King of the Galadhrim

A ruler of Lórien in ancient times

The Galadhrim (or 'tree-people') was a name given to the Elves who dwelt in the woods of Lórien. At the end of the Third Age, these people were ruled by the Lord and Lady, Celeborn and Galadriel, but in older times they had been led by a King. During the Second Age, this was an Elf variously named as Amdír or Malgalad, but this King was lost in the War of the Last Alliance. During the earlier Third Age, his rule was taken up by his successor, Amroth, before he too was lost.

Our only specific record of the title 'King of the Galadhrim' is in reference to a discussion held with Treebeard about the mutual borders of Lórien and Fangorn, and all we can say for sure regarding the date of this discussion is that it took place long ago. The unnamed King of the Galadhrim who took part cannot therefore be identified with certainty. It may have been Amroth, but the emphasis on the time that had passed would probably suggest that the discussion took place rather earlier, during the Second Age, and that the King of the Galadhrim in question was probably Amroth's father Amdír (or perhaps Malgalad).

For a list of the known rulers of Lórien, including the Kings of the Galadhrim, see the entry for the Lord of Lórien.


About this entry:

  • Updated 11 February 2025
  • Updates planned: 2

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King of the Galadhrim

A ruler of Lórien in ancient times


About this entry:

  • Updated 11 February 2025
  • Updates planned: 2

King of the Galadhrim

A ruler of Lórien in ancient times

The Galadhrim (or 'tree-people') was a name given to the Elves who dwelt in the woods of Lórien. At the end of the Third Age, these people were ruled by the Lord and Lady, Celeborn and Galadriel, but in older times they had been led by a King. During the Second Age, this was an Elf variously named as Amdír or Malgalad, but this King was lost in the War of the Last Alliance. During the earlier Third Age, his rule was taken up by his successor, Amroth, before he too was lost.

Our only specific record of the title 'King of the Galadhrim' is in reference to a discussion held with Treebeard about the mutual borders of Lórien and Fangorn, and all we can say for sure regarding the date of this discussion is that it took place long ago. The unnamed King of the Galadhrim who took part cannot therefore be identified with certainty. It may have been Amroth, but the emphasis on the time that had passed would probably suggest that the discussion took place rather earlier, during the Second Age, and that the King of the Galadhrim in question was probably Amroth's father Amdír (or perhaps Malgalad).

For a list of the known rulers of Lórien, including the Kings of the Galadhrim, see the entry for the Lord of Lórien.


About this entry:

  • Updated 11 February 2025
  • Updates planned: 2

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Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2025. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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