The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Between 22 October and 20 November on a modern (Gregorian) calendar
The 'misty' month
Other names
Hithui (the months of Blotmath and Blooting also corresponded exactly with Hísimë, without being directly related)


About this entry:

  • Updated 24 August 2021
  • This entry is complete


A winter month of the Gondorians

Months of the year

The eleventh month of the year, according to the Stewards' Reckoning of Gondor, following Narquelië, and preceding the last month, Ringarë. On a modern calendar, Hísimë would run from 22 October to 20 November. Hísimë was the month's traditional Quenya name, and its Sindarin equivalent, preferred by the Dúnedain, was Hithui. Both these names allude to the month being one of mist and fog.

In northern latitudes, Hísimë marked the onset of winter and the shortening of daylight. Because of these shorter days, long journeys were generally avoided in northern lands from the beginning of Hísumë to the end of the following Nínui (approximately February) four months later. At least, this was tradition, but there were notable exceptions. For example, in the First Age, Voronwë led Tuor to Gondolin, a journey recorded as taking place in the hard frosts of Hísimë at the beginning of the Fell Winter.

More journeys took place during Hísimë at the close of the Third Age. In III 3018, the Council of Elrond was held in the preceding month, Narquelië, and during Hísimë scouts and explorers were sent out to spy out the lands and seek out allies across Middle-earth. It was not until these scouts had returned that the Company of the Ring set out in the cold of the following month of Ringarë. It was a year later, in the first few days of Hísimë III 3019, that the Travellers returned to the Shire and helped to overthrow the régime of 'Sharkey' that they found there.


About this entry:

  • Updated 24 August 2021
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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A winter month of the Gondorians

Between 22 October and 20 November on a modern (Gregorian) calendar
The 'misty' month
Other names
Hithui (the months of Blotmath and Blooting also corresponded exactly with Hísimë, without being directly related)


About this entry:

  • Updated 24 August 2021
  • This entry is complete


A winter month of the Gondorians

Months of the year

The eleventh month of the year, according to the Stewards' Reckoning of Gondor, following Narquelië, and preceding the last month, Ringarë. On a modern calendar, Hísimë would run from 22 October to 20 November. Hísimë was the month's traditional Quenya name, and its Sindarin equivalent, preferred by the Dúnedain, was Hithui. Both these names allude to the month being one of mist and fog.

In northern latitudes, Hísimë marked the onset of winter and the shortening of daylight. Because of these shorter days, long journeys were generally avoided in northern lands from the beginning of Hísumë to the end of the following Nínui (approximately February) four months later. At least, this was tradition, but there were notable exceptions. For example, in the First Age, Voronwë led Tuor to Gondolin, a journey recorded as taking place in the hard frosts of Hísimë at the beginning of the Fell Winter.

More journeys took place during Hísimë at the close of the Third Age. In III 3018, the Council of Elrond was held in the preceding month, Narquelië, and during Hísimë scouts and explorers were sent out to spy out the lands and seek out allies across Middle-earth. It was not until these scouts had returned that the Company of the Ring set out in the cold of the following month of Ringarë. It was a year later, in the first few days of Hísimë III 3019, that the Travellers returned to the Shire and helped to overthrow the régime of 'Sharkey' that they found there.


About this entry:

  • Updated 24 August 2021
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1999, 2001, 2020-2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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