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CelepharnThe fourth King of Arthedain
The son of Mallor and great-grandson of Amlaith of Fornost, the founder of Arthedain. He ruled Arthedain early in the second millennium of the Third Age, at a time when the South-kingdom of Gondor was at the height of its power (the great Atanatar Alcarin became King of Gondor during Celepharn's rule in the north). The first Hobbits had been seen in Eriador in the reign of Celepharn's father Mallor. During his own reign, though, their numbers increased as the growing darkness in Mirkwood drove them westward out of Rhovanion. Fallohides and Stoors crossed the Misty Mountains at this time, joining the Harfoots who had been living in the west for a century or more. Celepharn ruled Arthedain for eighty-one years, and was succeeded by his son Celebrindor. Notes
See also...Celebrindor, Heir of Elendil, Heir of Isildur, Isildur’s Heir, King of Arthedain, Mallor, Northern Line For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2001, 2011. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Candidate experience is key. The Discus personality test works across every browser and operating system. |