The earliest bearers of this title were born during the Years of the Trees; the latest, Elanor the Fair, lived at least until IV 61
Given to numerous individuals descended from both Elves and Men
The title is also given to a city, Tirion on Tûna in the Blessed Realm
Generally a reference to beauty, though in some cases the title also carried the implication of fair hair
Title of
Numerous Elves and Men, and in one case a city
About this entry:
- Updated 18 January 2018
- Updates planned: 1
The Fair
A title of Celegorm, and others
The title and surname of Celegorm, the third son of Fëanor. This title was a popular one: it was also used of Fëanor's step-mother Indis; Sam Gamgee's daughter, Elanor; Éomer's son Elfwine; Hirluin, the lord of Pinnath Gelin; and still others besides.
Arwen |
The daughter of Elrond, said to be the noblest and fairest maiden in Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age. |
Boromir |
The son of Denethor of Gondor, slain by Orcs at Parth Galen. |
Celegorm |
The third of Fëanor's seven sons. According to early texts, he was known as 'the Fair' because of his light hair, and though the Sons of Fëanor were later conceived as having dark hair, Celegorm's title remained. |
Elanor |
The daughter of Sam Gamgee and Rose Cotton, who went on to become one of Arwen's maids. |
Elendil |
The mighty son of Amandil, who saved the last remnant of Númenor and founded the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor. |
Elfwine |
The son of Éomer Éadig, who succeeded his father to become the nineteenth King of Rohan. |
Gilraen |
The daughter of Dírhael of the Northern Dúnedain, who wed Arathorn and became the mother of Aragorn. |
Hirluin |
A lord of Pinnath Gelin in the west of Gondor, who was slain in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. |
Indis |
A maiden of the Vanyar, who became the second wife of Finwë, and mother to his sons Fingolfin and Finarfin. |
Lúthien |
The daughter of Thingol and Melian the Maia, and said to be the fairest of all the Children of Ilúvatar ever to live. |
Nimloth |
The White Tree of the King's Court in Númenor, grown from a seedling of Celeborn of Tol Eressëa. Nimloth was destroyed by Sauron, but Isildur saved one of its fruit, and so grew a seedling from which all the White Trees of Gondor were descended. |
Tirion |
The white city of the Eldar in Aman, built on the hill of Túna in the Pass of Light, in the days when the Light of the Two Trees still shone through the Mountains of Aman. |
About this entry:
- Updated 18 January 2018
- Updates planned: 1
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