The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Established 6 April (the Elves' New Year) in the year III 3019
That part of Eryn Lasgalen (formerly known as Mirkwood) that lay southward of the Narrows of the Forest
A region of the Wood of Greenleaves claimed by Celeborn after the fall of Dol Guldur
Celeborn was descended from the Sindar, but the people of this region were primarily Silvan Elves
Presumably Galadhrim1
Important peaks
Amon Lanc, the hill where Dol Guldur had once stood, lay near the western edge of East Lórien
Lórien is pronounced 'loa'rien'
So named as a new woodland realm under the power of Celeborn of Lórien (Lórien can be interpreted as 'land of gold')


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 August 2022
  • This entry is complete

East Lórien

The southern reaches of Mirkwood

Map of East Lórien

South of the Narrows, Mirkwood formed a broad forest around the base of Amon Lanc and on eastwards for some two hundred miles. During the Third Age, the Necromancer built Dol Guldur on the hill of Amon Lanc, and this part of the Forest was under his influence. After the War of the Ring, Dol Guldur was torn down and the Elves of Lórien (who dwelt immediately to the west across the Anduin) claimed the southern woods. At this time the entire Forest south of the Narrows was named East Lórien, and ruled by Celeborn, though he did not remain there long. After a few years he retired to Imladris, leaving the wooded land of East Lórien populated by only a few wandering Silvan Elves.



The people who wandered the woods of East Lórien were Silvan Elves, but we're not told definitively where these people came from. Since this new woodland region was under the power of Celeborn, its inhabitants were almost certainly Galadhrim, the people of Lórien beyond the Great River. This is not explicitly stated, however, and it remains possible that at least some Wood-elves came southward into East Lórien from Thranduil's realm in the north.

See also...

Silvan Elves


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 August 2022
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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East Lórien

The southern reaches of Mirkwood

Established 6 April (the Elves' New Year) in the year III 3019
That part of Eryn Lasgalen (formerly known as Mirkwood) that lay southward of the Narrows of the Forest
A region of the Wood of Greenleaves claimed by Celeborn after the fall of Dol Guldur
Celeborn was descended from the Sindar, but the people of this region were primarily Silvan Elves
Presumably Galadhrim1
Important peaks
Amon Lanc, the hill where Dol Guldur had once stood, lay near the western edge of East Lórien
Lórien is pronounced 'loa'rien'
So named as a new woodland realm under the power of Celeborn of Lórien (Lórien can be interpreted as 'land of gold')


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 August 2022
  • This entry is complete

East Lórien

The southern reaches of Mirkwood

Map of East Lórien

South of the Narrows, Mirkwood formed a broad forest around the base of Amon Lanc and on eastwards for some two hundred miles. During the Third Age, the Necromancer built Dol Guldur on the hill of Amon Lanc, and this part of the Forest was under his influence. After the War of the Ring, Dol Guldur was torn down and the Elves of Lórien (who dwelt immediately to the west across the Anduin) claimed the southern woods. At this time the entire Forest south of the Narrows was named East Lórien, and ruled by Celeborn, though he did not remain there long. After a few years he retired to Imladris, leaving the wooded land of East Lórien populated by only a few wandering Silvan Elves.



The people who wandered the woods of East Lórien were Silvan Elves, but we're not told definitively where these people came from. Since this new woodland region was under the power of Celeborn, its inhabitants were almost certainly Galadhrim, the people of Lórien beyond the Great River. This is not explicitly stated, however, and it remains possible that at least some Wood-elves came southward into East Lórien from Thranduil's realm in the north.

See also...

Silvan Elves


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 August 2022
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2009, 2022. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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