The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Flowing southwestwards out of the Misty Mountains, passing Rivendell
Rivendell stood near the source of the river
In the Misty Mountains near the High Pass
Joined by an unnamed stream out of the valley of Rivendell
Joined the river Hoarwell westward of Hollin
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 12 September 2020
  • This entry is complete

River Loudwater

The river the Elves called Bruinen

Map of the river Loudwater
Note that the positioning of the river Greyflood here is open to debate1
Note that the positioning of the river Greyflood here is open to debate1

The Mannish name for the river the Elves called Bruinen, named for the loudness of its running waters. Its sources were in the western Misty Mountains near the High Pass, and from there it ran southwestwards, forming the deep ravine where Rivendell was built, and from which that refuge took its name. Beneath Rivendell, the Loudwater could be crossed at the Ford of Bruinen, and from there it flowed on for some hundred and fifty miles until it met the Hoarwell, and the two rivers combined to create the Greyflood that ran out to the Sea at Lond Daer.

Historically, the Loudwater was a border river, marking the eastern extent of the Mannish lands of Eriador beyond which lived the Elves of Rivendell and Hollin. In the Third Age, it formed part of the eastern boundary of Arnor, and after the break-up of that land, it bordered the realm of Rhudaur. It was also important in the history of the Hobbits: after the Stoors came over the Misty Mountains into Eriador, they followed the river southwards. Many settled in the narrow Angle of land it formed with the Hoarwell, and further south still, though many of these settlers later moved back northwards.



The Greyflood or Gwathló was formed by the confluence of the Hoarwell and another river, but sources differ on the identity of that other river. According to Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings, it was the Loudwater, as shown on this map. Other sources, however, state that the other river was Glanduin, some distance to the south. In that latter case, the stretch of river labelled 'Greyflood' or 'Gwathló' on this map would actually be a continuation of the Hoarwell, and the Greyflood itself would not arise until the Hoarwell reached Swanfleet above Tharbad, more than a hundred miles downstream.


About this entry:

  • Updated 12 September 2020
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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River Loudwater

The river the Elves called Bruinen

Flowing southwestwards out of the Misty Mountains, passing Rivendell
Rivendell stood near the source of the river
In the Misty Mountains near the High Pass
Joined by an unnamed stream out of the valley of Rivendell
Joined the river Hoarwell westward of Hollin
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 12 September 2020
  • This entry is complete

River Loudwater

The river the Elves called Bruinen

Map of the river Loudwater
Note that the positioning of the river Greyflood here is open to debate1
Note that the positioning of the river Greyflood here is open to debate1

The Mannish name for the river the Elves called Bruinen, named for the loudness of its running waters. Its sources were in the western Misty Mountains near the High Pass, and from there it ran southwestwards, forming the deep ravine where Rivendell was built, and from which that refuge took its name. Beneath Rivendell, the Loudwater could be crossed at the Ford of Bruinen, and from there it flowed on for some hundred and fifty miles until it met the Hoarwell, and the two rivers combined to create the Greyflood that ran out to the Sea at Lond Daer.

Historically, the Loudwater was a border river, marking the eastern extent of the Mannish lands of Eriador beyond which lived the Elves of Rivendell and Hollin. In the Third Age, it formed part of the eastern boundary of Arnor, and after the break-up of that land, it bordered the realm of Rhudaur. It was also important in the history of the Hobbits: after the Stoors came over the Misty Mountains into Eriador, they followed the river southwards. Many settled in the narrow Angle of land it formed with the Hoarwell, and further south still, though many of these settlers later moved back northwards.



The Greyflood or Gwathló was formed by the confluence of the Hoarwell and another river, but sources differ on the identity of that other river. According to Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings, it was the Loudwater, as shown on this map. Other sources, however, state that the other river was Glanduin, some distance to the south. In that latter case, the stretch of river labelled 'Greyflood' or 'Gwathló' on this map would actually be a continuation of the Hoarwell, and the Greyflood itself would not arise until the Hoarwell reached Swanfleet above Tharbad, more than a hundred miles downstream.


About this entry:

  • Updated 12 September 2020
  • This entry is complete

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Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2008, 2020. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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