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One of three realms created by the division of Arnor
Important peaks
Probably 'red hill land'3
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CardolanMost southerly of the realms of the Northern Dúnedain![]() The divisions of Arnor The name given to the southerly regions of Arnor, between the rivers Baranduin and Gwathló. Cardolan was a roughly rectangular land, running southwestwards from Amon Sûl to the shores of the Great Sea. Its shoreward parts were known by the name Minhiriath, the land 'between two rivers'. The name Cardolan seems to have been used from early in Arnor's history, but after the death of King Eärendur of Arnor in III 861, it became a kingdom in its own right. At that time, Eärendur's sons divided the North-kingdom between them, and Cardolan's first king appears to have been Eärendur's second4 son, whose name history does not record. During the early part of Cardolan's history, it vied with the neighbouring lands of Arthedain and Rhudaur over the control of the Tower of Amon Sûl and its palantír. At this time, at least part of Cardolan's northern border with Arthedain was fortified by a hedged dike and wall, the remains of which survived to the time of the War of the Ring. As the centuries passed, the threat of the Witch-king's realm of Angmar turned Cardolan and Arthedain from rivals into allies, and they fought together against Angmar and Rhudaur (which had become a client state of the Witch-king). Together they maintained a joint defence that ran along the Weather Hills and the upper river Mitheithel. In the year III 1409, the Witch-king mounted a decisive assault against these defences, crossing the Mitheithel into northeastern Cardolan. The Tower of Amon Sûl was destroyed, but its palantír was saved. The armies of Angmar and Rhudaur went on to ravage Cardolan's lands, and slew the last prince of its royal line. The surviving Dúnedain retreated into the Barrow-downs and the Old Forest, which lay on their northern borders. After this time, with the loss of its royal lineage, Cardolan was no longer properly a kingdom. Nonetheless a band of Dúnedain endured in the downs and the forest for more than two centuries, until the coming of the Dark Plague. The last of the Dúnedain, and most of the land's other inhabitants, were lost to the Plague, and as a final blow the Witch-king sent evil beings to infest the Barrow-downs. After these events, Cardolan was left a desolate and deserted land. Tom Bombadil and the Survivors of CardolanTogether, the Barrow-downs and the Old Forest formed a spur or pocket in the northern borders of Cardolan, creating a small but defensible region apart from the main land. It was here the last Dúnedain of Cardolan settled after the fall of their kingdom. That same area coincides almost exactly with the land under the power of Tom Bombadil at the end of the Third Age. It seems that Tom was not only present during the chaos surrounding Cardolan's fall, but he knew at least some of its people. After discovering a blue-jewelled brooch from the tomb of the last Prince of Cardolan, Tom says: 'Fair was she who long ago wore this on her shoulder. Goldberry shall wear it now, and we will not forget her!'
The Fellowship of the Ring I 8 Fog on the Barrow-downs
He seems to be moved by a recollection of the brooch's wearer, to the extent that he seeks to preserve her memory. That suggests that Tom not only knew the people of Cardolan, but was on friendly terms with them. This raises interesting questions about the last days of the kingdom of Cardolan. It may be that the Dúnedain retreated into the Barrow-downs not merely as a last line of a defence, but to seek the aid of Bombadil, the powerful spirit that dwelt there. Or it may be that they knew nothing of Tom before they arrived in his Forest, only discovering him there after their arrival. Did Tom lend the Men of Cardolan any direct aid? That's an impossible question to answer, but if he did, it would help to explain how they survived the assault of an overwhelming enemy force, and how they remained unmolested for the next two hundred years. This would also help to solve another mystery: if the Witch-king knew where the last Dúnedain of Cardolan were to be found, and had the power to send wights against them at will, why did he wait for two centuries before doing so? If we imagine Tom protecting those within the borders of his lands, this delay makes rather more sense. Only after his charges were devastated by the Plague - so that Tom's protection was no longer needed - were the evil spirits of Angmar able to invade the Barrow-downs. Manifestly, there's a great deal of supposition here, and this is quite a weight of speculation to build on the only known fact, Tom's recognition of the ancient brooch. However, it does offer a thread of explanation for some of the less accountable events of the war against Angmar. Notes
See also...Amlaith of Fornost, Angmar, Araphor, Araval, Argeleb II, Arnor, Arveleg I, Arveleg II, Barrows, Bucca of the Marish, Dark Plague, Dúnedain of Arnor, Dúnedain of Cardolan, Elendil, Eryn Vorn, [See the full list...] Indexes: About this entry:
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