The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Uncertain; may date back to the middle of the Second Age1
Running east to west through the northern parts of Eriador
The road ran from east to west across the northern parts of Eriador
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 28 November 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

East-West Road

The road that crossed Eriador from the Mountains to the Sea

Map of the East-West Road
The route of the East-West Road2
The route of the East-West Road2

A name for the long road that ran east to west through Eriador, and crossed the Greenway at Bree. More commonly called simply the East Road.



Dating the East-West Road is difficult, and indeed it may very well be the case that different parts of the road were laid at different times. The fact that it ran from the Elf-havens of Lindon towards Rivendell implies that the basic route was in place after Rivendell's founding in II 1697. It may have been even older than this (the eastern end might in principle have led to the High Pass over the Misty Mountains, rather than directly to Rivendell). Whatever the origins of individual parts of the East-West Road, the route itself would have been in place for thousands of years at the end of the Third Age (thus certainly earning its occasional alternative name of the 'Old Road').


While it's established that the East-West Road ran as far westwards as the Grey Havens on the Gulf of Lune, we do not have details of its route after it left the Westfarthing of the Shire. The conjectural route shown by a dashed line includes a speculative detour to the Tower Hills, a place of importance to both the Elves of Lindon and the Dúnedain of Arnor.


About this entry:

  • Updated 28 November 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
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East-West Road

The road that crossed Eriador from the Mountains to the Sea

Uncertain; may date back to the middle of the Second Age1
Running east to west through the northern parts of Eriador
The road ran from east to west across the northern parts of Eriador
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 28 November 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

East-West Road

The road that crossed Eriador from the Mountains to the Sea

Map of the East-West Road
The route of the East-West Road2
The route of the East-West Road2

A name for the long road that ran east to west through Eriador, and crossed the Greenway at Bree. More commonly called simply the East Road.



Dating the East-West Road is difficult, and indeed it may very well be the case that different parts of the road were laid at different times. The fact that it ran from the Elf-havens of Lindon towards Rivendell implies that the basic route was in place after Rivendell's founding in II 1697. It may have been even older than this (the eastern end might in principle have led to the High Pass over the Misty Mountains, rather than directly to Rivendell). Whatever the origins of individual parts of the East-West Road, the route itself would have been in place for thousands of years at the end of the Third Age (thus certainly earning its occasional alternative name of the 'Old Road').


While it's established that the East-West Road ran as far westwards as the Grey Havens on the Gulf of Lune, we do not have details of its route after it left the Westfarthing of the Shire. The conjectural route shown by a dashed line includes a speculative detour to the Tower Hills, a place of importance to both the Elves of Lindon and the Dúnedain of Arnor.


About this entry:

  • Updated 28 November 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1999, 2001, 2015, 2017. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.
In-depth but accessible, Discus provides the ultimate in DISC reporting.