First mentioned in annals c. III 1300, but had apparently existed for some considerable time before this
The Bree-land, east of the Shire
Important peaks
Bree lay on the slopes of the Bree-hill
Possibly from Old English brú, 'hill'1
About this entry:
- Updated 24 October 2009
- Updates planned: 1
An ancient township of Eriador
Map showing Bree and the Bree-land (somewhat conjectural) 2
Map showing Bree and the Bree-land (somewhat conjectural) 2
An ancient colony in Eriador shared by Hobbits and Men. Far older than the Shire, it was from Bree that the two Fallohides, Marcho and Blanco, set out to found that land.
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Strictly speaking, brú refers not to a hill itself, but to some feature associated with it (especially the top, or a cliff or bank). The word is more familiar in its Scots form, still in use today, which is brae. |
2 |
Apart from Bree itself, the locations of the villages within the Bree-land are not mapped directly. The locations shown here are based on descriptions in the text. |
See also...
Afteryule, Andrath, Appledore Family, Apples, Aragorn Elessar, Arahad II, Archet, Argeleb II, Astron, Banakil, Banks Family, Barley, Big Folk, Big People, Bill, [See the full list...]Bill Ferny, Black Breath, Black Men, Black Riders, Blooting, Bob, Bree-dialect, Bree-folk, Bree-hill, Bree-hobbits, Bree-land, Bree-landers, Bree-men, Bridge of Stonebows, Briffo Boffin, Bumpkin, Butterbur Family, Chithing, Combe, Common Room, Company of the Ring, East Road, East-West Road, Eastfarthing of the Shire, Eglantine Banks, Fallohides, Fatty Lumpkin, Ferns, Flame of the West, Forelithe, Forsaken Inn, Frery, Frodo Baggins, Gate-keepers, Geese, Glamdring, Gnats, Goblin-men, Great East Road, Great Road, Great Road, Greenway-crossing, Harry Goatleaf, Harvestmath, Heather, Heathertoes Family, Hill-men, Hobbit-lands, Hobbit-names, Hobbits of Bree, Khamûl, King of Arthedain, Kûd-dûkan, Kuduk, Ling, Lithe, Little People, Longshanks, Lord of the Nazgûl, Malvegil, Marcho, Mat Heathertoes, Mede, Men of Bree, Midges, Midgewater Marshes, Nob, North Road, North-gate, Northern Lands, Old Road, Old South Road, Old Toby, Pickthorn Family, Ponies, ‘Reckoning of Years’, Rethe, River Baranduin, Robbers of the North, Rowlie Appledore, Royal Road, Ruler, Sandheaver Family, Sharp-ears, Shire Calendar, Shire-hobbits, Shire-reckoning, Shire-reform, Silver Pennies, Somath, South-gate of Bree, Southerners, Southlinch, Stick-at-naught, Stoors of the Angle, Strider, Summerdays, Sûza, Swish-tail, The Angle, The Guardians, The Wilderness, Thistlewool Family, Thorin and Company, Thrimilch, Tobold Hornblower, Tom Bombadil, Tom Pickthorn, Tunnelly Family, Underhill, Underhill Family, Up-away, West-gate of Bree, White-socks, Willie Banks, Wintring, Wise-nose, Yulemath
About this entry:
- Updated 24 October 2009
- Updates planned: 1
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