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- Updated 23 May 2004
- Updates planned: 20
The mightiest of Men
The Men of Númenor, descendants of the Edain of the First Age, who were granted the island of Elenna as a dwelling place. They turned against the Valar, and their island home was destroyed in the last years of the Second Age.
See also...
Adûnaic, Adûnakhôr, Agathurush, Aldëa, Aldúya, Almiel, Aman, Amandil, Amandil, Anadûnê, Ancient West, Andustar, Annatar, Ar-Belzagar, Arda, [See the full list...]Asëa aranion, Astar, Ban of the Valar, Barad-dûr, Battle of the Gwathló, Bent World, Black Númenóreans, Black Years, Bough of Return, Captain of Ships, Captain of the King’s Ships, Castle of the Sea, Caves of the Forgotten, Ciryatur, City of the Corsairs, City of the Men of Gondor, Common Language, Cordial of Imladris, Counsellor of the North-kingdom, Dark Lord, Days of Flight, Dead Tree, Delta of Anduin, Dírnaith, Dome of Stars, Doom of Men, Dúnedain of Arnor, Dúnedain of Gondor, Eastlands of Númenor, Eket, Elendil, Elendili, Elenya, Elven-tree, Elves of Eressëa, Elves of Lindon, Empty Lands, Enedwaith, Entulessë, Erukyermë, Eryn Vorn, Ethraid Engrin, Ever-summer, Faithful, Fangorn Forest, Far West, Fathers of the Númenóreans, Flammifer of Westernesse, Flower of the West, Foam-flower, Forest of Fangorn, Gates of Morning, Gift of Men, Gimilzagar, Giver of Freedom, Great Armament, Great Fens, Great Haven, Great Isle, Great Lands, Great People of the West, Great Ring of Power, Great Shadow, Green Bough of Return, Guild of Venturers, Guild of Weaponsmiths, Hallatan, Hallow of Eru, Hatholdir, Haven of Umbar, Haven-finder, Herumor, Hevenesdei, Hevensday, Holy Mountain, House of the Kings, Húrin of Emyn Arnen, Inziladûn, Isildur, King of Kings, King of Men, King of Númenor, King of Númenórë, King of Rhovanion, King of the Elves, King of the Nine Riders, King of the Númenóreans, King’s Archers, King’s Men, Kings of Men, King’s Party, Lady of the Seas, Lár, Laurinquë, Line of Kings, Lond Daer, Lord of Andúnië, Lord of Arnor and Gondor, Lord of the Black Land, Lord of the Dark Tower, Lord of the Darkness, Lord of the Dúnedain, Lord of the Earth, Lord of the Nazgûl, Lord of the West, Lords of the West, Lost Isle, Maiar of the Sea, Man of the West, Man-high, Mar-nu-Falmar, Mariner-king, Master of Fangorn’s Wood, Men of Eriador, Men of Middle-earth, Men of Minas Tirith, Men of Númenor, Men of the Sea, Men of the Twilight, Men of the West, Meneltarma, Mersday, Middle Men, Middle Peoples, Middle-days, Mighty of the West, Misty Mountains, Monendei, Mordor, Morgoth, Mouth of Sauron, Nernehta, New Year, Nîn-in-Eilph, Nine Rings, Noirinan, Nólimon, Númenor, Númenórean Realms, Númenórean Sindarin, Ohtar, Oiolairë, Old Forest, Old Púkel-land, Orgaladh, Orgaladhad, Orgilion, Oromet, Pillar of the Heavens, Potatoes, Powers of the World, Prayer to Eru, Pre-Númenórean, Prince of Belfalas, Prince of Dol Amroth, Quenya, Ranga, ‘Return’, Ring of Sapphire, River Anduin, River Baranduin, River Gwathir, Roots of the Pillar, Roquen, Rothinzil, Royal House of Gondor, Rulers of Arda, Sandastan, Sauron, Sceptre, Sceptre of Númenor, Sea-kings, Second Age, Seeing-stones, Self-cursed, Seven Seeing Stones, Seven Stones, Shield-barrier, Spies of the Valar, Star of Eärendil, Straight Way, Sunset, Swan-knights, Sweet Galenas, Tale of the Downfall of Númenor, Tall Men, Tar-Anárion, Tar-Ancalimon, Tar-Ardamin, Tar-Ciryatan, Tar-Herunúmen, Tar-Hostamir, Tar-Minastir, Tar-Palantir, Tarks, Tarmasundar, The Downfallen, The Farsighted, The Green, The Lord, The Númenórean, The Pillar, The Star, Three Keepers, Tobacco, Tower of Avallónë, Uinendili, Undying Lands, Valacar, Valley of the Tombs, Vëantur, Vice-regent of Eriador, Vidumavi, Vilya, Vinyalondë, Vinyarion, War of the Elves and Sauron, War of the Last Alliance, Water, Western Mountains, Westmansweed, Westron, White Crown, White Tree of Númenor, White Tree of Tol Eressëa, Wild Men, Willow-man, Witnesses of Manwë, Yavannië, Yestarë
About this entry:
- Updated 23 May 2004
- Updates planned: 20
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