The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
The first Mortal Men awoke I 1, at the time of the first rising of the Moon and Sun
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  • Updated 31 May 2003
  • This entry is complete

Gift of Men


"But to the Atani I will give a new gift."
Words of Eru Ilúvatar
Quenta Silmarillion 1
Of the Beginning of Days

Death; the gift of Ilúvatar to his Younger Children, allowing them to go beyond the confines of the world. After death, Mortal Men were gathered in the Halls of Mandos, and then departed from the world for a destination unknown even to the Valar. Whereas all other sentient beings in Arda, including the Valar themselves, were bound to the world and its fate, the Gift freed Men from this destiny, allowing them to shape their own lives as they wished.

Those Men with the greatest understanding treated death as the Gift it was originally intended to be, and when their time came gladly gave themselves up to it. We see this, for example, in the earlier Kings of Númenor, and Aragorn also accepted the Gift at the natural end of his life. For most Men, though, the Gift was tainted by Morgoth, and they came to fear it rather than embrace it. This fear reached its peak in the later years of Númenor, where even the long life given to the Númenóreans did not seem sufficient to them, and their loremasters did all they could to try to find a way to escape death altogether. In the end, this desperation led to Númenor's destruction when Ar-Pharazôn led a battle fleet to the Undying Lands, falsely believing that they held the secret of everlasting life.


About this entry:

  • Updated 31 May 2003
  • This entry is complete

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Gift of Men


The first Mortal Men awoke I 1, at the time of the first rising of the Moon and Sun
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 31 May 2003
  • This entry is complete

Gift of Men


"But to the Atani I will give a new gift."
Words of Eru Ilúvatar
Quenta Silmarillion 1
Of the Beginning of Days

Death; the gift of Ilúvatar to his Younger Children, allowing them to go beyond the confines of the world. After death, Mortal Men were gathered in the Halls of Mandos, and then departed from the world for a destination unknown even to the Valar. Whereas all other sentient beings in Arda, including the Valar themselves, were bound to the world and its fate, the Gift freed Men from this destiny, allowing them to shape their own lives as they wished.

Those Men with the greatest understanding treated death as the Gift it was originally intended to be, and when their time came gladly gave themselves up to it. We see this, for example, in the earlier Kings of Númenor, and Aragorn also accepted the Gift at the natural end of his life. For most Men, though, the Gift was tainted by Morgoth, and they came to fear it rather than embrace it. This fear reached its peak in the later years of Númenor, where even the long life given to the Númenóreans did not seem sufficient to them, and their loremasters did all they could to try to find a way to escape death altogether. In the end, this desperation led to Númenor's destruction when Ar-Pharazôn led a battle fleet to the Undying Lands, falsely believing that they held the secret of everlasting life.


About this entry:

  • Updated 31 May 2003
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001-2003. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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