The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Came to an end with the settlement of the Númenóreans in Middle-earth, and especially with the foundation of Gondor in II 33191
The term is especially associated with the lands that later fell within the South-kingdom of Gondor
Most references to pre-Númenórean times relate to the Men of the Mountains and their descendants, notably the Dunlendings
The standing stones of Dunharrow were pre-Númenórean in origin
Númenórean is pronounced 'noomenoa'ree-an'
The time before the coming of the Númenóreans (where Númenor means 'land in the west')


About this entry:

  • Updated 26 December 2024
  • Updates planned: 1


Dark and ancient times in Middle-earth

A word referring to Middle-earth in the years before the arrival of the Númenóreans. It does not appear to refer to a specific period so much as the relatively uncivilized condition of the Wild Men who remained in Middle-earth before coming under the influence of the Men of the West. For example, the ancestors of the Dunlendings are identified as a 'pre-Númenórean' people. The most ancient place-names found in the later Númenórean Realm of Gondor were originated by its pre-Númenórean inhabitants.



The first pre-Númenórean Men crossed the Great River into western Middle-earth in the early centuries of the Years of the Sun. The Númenóreans started to return to Middle-earth in II 600, but at first their influence was limited. It was only later that they began to found true settlements (notably Pelargir in II 2350), and only after the Downfall of Númenor in II 3319 that they began to rule over their own kingdoms.

The transition from pre-Númenórean times to the rule of the Dúnedain, then, can be seen as a gradual one, extending over a period of about a thousand years. There were indeed still Men of the Mountains dwelling in Ered Nimrais when Gondor was founded, but we can take the establishment of the South-kingdom as the final definite end of the pre-Númenórean period.

See also...

White Mountains


About this entry:

  • Updated 26 December 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Dark and ancient times in Middle-earth

Came to an end with the settlement of the Númenóreans in Middle-earth, and especially with the foundation of Gondor in II 33191
The term is especially associated with the lands that later fell within the South-kingdom of Gondor
Most references to pre-Númenórean times relate to the Men of the Mountains and their descendants, notably the Dunlendings
The standing stones of Dunharrow were pre-Númenórean in origin
Númenórean is pronounced 'noomenoa'ree-an'
The time before the coming of the Númenóreans (where Númenor means 'land in the west')


About this entry:

  • Updated 26 December 2024
  • Updates planned: 1


Dark and ancient times in Middle-earth

A word referring to Middle-earth in the years before the arrival of the Númenóreans. It does not appear to refer to a specific period so much as the relatively uncivilized condition of the Wild Men who remained in Middle-earth before coming under the influence of the Men of the West. For example, the ancestors of the Dunlendings are identified as a 'pre-Númenórean' people. The most ancient place-names found in the later Númenórean Realm of Gondor were originated by its pre-Númenórean inhabitants.



The first pre-Númenórean Men crossed the Great River into western Middle-earth in the early centuries of the Years of the Sun. The Númenóreans started to return to Middle-earth in II 600, but at first their influence was limited. It was only later that they began to found true settlements (notably Pelargir in II 2350), and only after the Downfall of Númenor in II 3319 that they began to rule over their own kingdoms.

The transition from pre-Númenórean times to the rule of the Dúnedain, then, can be seen as a gradual one, extending over a period of about a thousand years. There were indeed still Men of the Mountains dwelling in Ered Nimrais when Gondor was founded, but we can take the establishment of the South-kingdom as the final definite end of the pre-Númenórean period.

See also...

White Mountains


About this entry:

  • Updated 26 December 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2007, 2024. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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