The steep upper slopes of the Meneltarma in Númenor were climbed by a spiral road cut into the rock. At the summit, the mountain widened and flattened, opening into a shallow space where many people could gather. This place was hallowed to Eru Ilúvatar, and watched over by three great Eagles known as the Witnesses of Manwë.
In the early part of the Second Age, the Númenóreans held the Hallow in special reverence. Three times a year, the King and the people would climb the Holy Mountain to offer prayers to Eru: the Erukyermë in spring, the Erulaitalë in summer, and the Eruhantalë in autumn. As the centuries passed, the Númenóreans began to neglect the Hallow, and after the time of Tar-Ancalimon it was rarely visited. Tar-Palantir attempted to reinstate it late in Númenor's history, but it was abandoned by his successor Ar-Pharazôn, who brought ruin to the Númenóreans.
About this entry:
- Updated 26 November 2024
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