The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Eärendil's light guided the Edain to Westernesse in II 32
Shining in the Western sky
Eärendil was set aloft with his Silmaril after bringing his embassy to the Valar
Eärendil himself was Half-elven; the Edain who followed his light were Men
Originally Edain, founding the Dúnedain
Gave rise to the Númenóreans
Eärendil set out into the West from the Havens of Sirion
fla'mmifer of we'sterness'
Flammifer means 'torch-bearer' or 'light-bearer', in the sense of a guiding light; Westernesse is a Mannish name for Númenor, meaning 'western land'
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  • Updated 2 May 2018
  • This entry is complete

Flammifer of Westernesse

Bilbo‘s description of Eärendil

"...for ever still a herald on
an errand that should never rest
to bear his shining lamp afar,
the Flammifer of Westernesse.
The closing lines of Bilbo's "Song of Eärendil"
The Fellowship of the Ring II 1
Many Meetings

A poetic term devised by Bilbo Baggins to describe Eärendil the Mariner, sailing the skies in his ship Vingilot with the shining Silmaril bound to his brow. The word 'flammifer' in this context means 'light-bearer' or 'torch-bearer', and its particular connection with Westernesse evokes Eärendil's role in guiding the first Númenóreans to their new home in the early Second Age. Bilbo's poem goes further than recalling this single incident, however, and Eärendil's 'errand that should never rest' (ibid) is to continue to give light to the world as the Evening and the Morning Star.

In fact flammifer is Tolkien's own coinage, from Latin roots that indicate 'flame-bearer' or 'light-bearer' (though in Latin itself, flammifer just means 'fiery'). The name has an etymological connection with the name Lucifer (which means 'light-bearer', and was also associated with the Morning and Evening Star) though that connection apparently does not extend beyond the words' origins and their relations to the planet Venus.


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 May 2018
  • This entry is complete

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Flammifer of Westernesse

Bilbo‘s description of Eärendil

Eärendil's light guided the Edain to Westernesse in II 32
Shining in the Western sky
Eärendil was set aloft with his Silmaril after bringing his embassy to the Valar
Eärendil himself was Half-elven; the Edain who followed his light were Men
Originally Edain, founding the Dúnedain
Gave rise to the Númenóreans
Eärendil set out into the West from the Havens of Sirion
fla'mmifer of we'sterness'
Flammifer means 'torch-bearer' or 'light-bearer', in the sense of a guiding light; Westernesse is a Mannish name for Númenor, meaning 'western land'
Title of


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 May 2018
  • This entry is complete

Flammifer of Westernesse

Bilbo‘s description of Eärendil

"...for ever still a herald on
an errand that should never rest
to bear his shining lamp afar,
the Flammifer of Westernesse.
The closing lines of Bilbo's "Song of Eärendil"
The Fellowship of the Ring II 1
Many Meetings

A poetic term devised by Bilbo Baggins to describe Eärendil the Mariner, sailing the skies in his ship Vingilot with the shining Silmaril bound to his brow. The word 'flammifer' in this context means 'light-bearer' or 'torch-bearer', and its particular connection with Westernesse evokes Eärendil's role in guiding the first Númenóreans to their new home in the early Second Age. Bilbo's poem goes further than recalling this single incident, however, and Eärendil's 'errand that should never rest' (ibid) is to continue to give light to the world as the Evening and the Morning Star.

In fact flammifer is Tolkien's own coinage, from Latin roots that indicate 'flame-bearer' or 'light-bearer' (though in Latin itself, flammifer just means 'fiery'). The name has an etymological connection with the name Lucifer (which means 'light-bearer', and was also associated with the Morning and Evening Star) though that connection apparently does not extend beyond the words' origins and their relations to the planet Venus.


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 May 2018
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2010, 2018. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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