Dated back to the Years of the Trees
Originally spoken by the Elves of Valinor; it was also known in Middle-earth, but there it was a language of lore rather than daily use
From an original form Quendya, the language 'of the Quendi'
Other names
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- Updated 11 November 2016
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The ancient and noble tongue of the High Elves
The tongue of the High Elves in Valinor, the first to be recorded in writing. It was never widely used in Middle-earth except among the Noldor; the related Eldarin language, Sindarin, was more commonly spoken.
By the Third Age, Quenya had become, in Middle-earth, a language used only on formal or state occasions by the Elves and the descendants of the Númenóreans.
See also...
Aduial, Ainulindalë, Aldëa, Aldudénië, Aldúya, Altáriel, Amon Uilos, Anarya, Ancient Speech, Ancient Tongue, Anor, Apanónar, Ar-Abattârik, Ar-Inziladûn, Araw, [See the full list...]Asëa aranion, Atanatári, Avathar, Balrogs, Belegûr, Butterflies, Certar, Cerveth, Chithing, Dírnaith, Eärendil, Echuir, Edhelrim, Edhil, Eldalië, Eldarin, Elenna·nórë, Elentári, Elenya, Elf-speech, Elu Thingol, Elven-tongue, Elves of Gondolin, Elves of Valinor, Elvish, Endor, Endóre, Engwar, Enquië, Ethuil, Ever-snow-white, Everlasting Whiteness, Fírimar, Firith, Forester, Gaerys, Galadriel, Girithron, Gondolin, Gorthaur, Greycloak, Greymantle, Gwaeron, Gwirith, Heart of Fire, Herunúmen, Hevensday, Hidden Rock, High Eldarin, High Speech, High-elven, Hísilómë, Hísimë, Hithui, Hrívë, Iavas, Incánus, Isil, Isilya, Istar, Ithil, Ithryn, Ivanneth, Khuzdul, King of Númenor, King of Númenórë, Kings Reckoning, Laer, Lairë, Lasse-lanta, Lord of Trees, Lothron, Lumbar, Malinorni, Menelmacar, Menelya, Mersday, Monday, Monendei, Morrowdim, Nan-tasarion, Nandorin, Narbeleth, Narbeleth, Nárië, Narquelië, Narvinyë, Narwain, Nernehta, New Reckoning, Ninquelótë, Nínui, Nórui, Oath of Cirion and Eorl, Oiolossë, Olórin, Ondolindë, Oraearon, Oranor, Orbelain, Orgilion, Orithil, Ormenel, Powers of the World, Quellë, Quessetéma, Rána, Reckoning of Rivendell, Rhîw, Ringarë, Rock of the Music of Water, Rodyn, Roquen, Rú, Rúatani, Sandastan, Sangahyando, Scroll of Kings, Second People, Senya, Seven Names of Gondolin, Shield-barrier, Sindarin, Soronúmë, Sterday, Stewards Reckoning, Sunnendei, Swordsman of the Sky, Tar-Falassion, Tar-Herunúmen, Tar-Hostamir, Tárion, Tarkil, Tarks, Tauron, Telcontar, Telerin, Telumehtar, Tengwar, Thangail, The Downfallen, The Fall of Gil-galad, Thrimich, Thrimilch, Tindómë, Tîw, Trewesdei, Tuilë, Tyelperion, Tyelpetéma, Undómë, Úrui, Valanya, Valaraukar, Valinorean, Vása, Víressë, Water of Awakening, Yávië, Yôzâyan
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- Updated 11 November 2016
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