Travelled into the West in ancient times; a large part returned to Middle-earth after the Darkening of Valinor, 1 some decades before the first rising of the Sun
One of the original Three Kindreds who made the Great Journey into the West
Ruled by Finwë and his heirs
Originally ngo'ldorr, but later no'ldorr2 (the final 'r' should be pronounced - 'rr' is used here to emphasise this)
Approximately 'those with knowledge' (sometimes translated ' Loremasters')
Other names
Noldor is a plural term; the rarely used singular form is Noldo, and the adjective for these people is Noldorin.
About this entry:
- Updated 28 March 2004
- Updates planned: 37
The followers of Finwë
The division of the Elves that followed Finwë as their lord. In the long march from Cuiviénen to the western shores of Middle-earth, they were the second great host. When they reached Valinor, they learned much from Aulë the Smith, and were accounted the greatest of the Elves in matters of lore and craft.
They dwelt in Aman for many Ages, but after the Darkening of Valinor many of the Noldor forsook the Undying Lands and returned in exile to Middle-earth in pursuit of Melkor. Melkor had slain Finwë and stolen the Silmarils, the work of Fëanor, the greatest craftsman of that people, and the Noldor returned to make war on him until he gave up the Great Jewels.
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This event is dated as Valian Year 1497, which theoretically places it some twenty-two solar years before the first appearance of the Sun. Valian Years are much longer than solar years, so dating precise events is difficult, but this gives some idea of the timespan between the departure of the Noldor from Aman and the rising of the Sun. |
2 |
The original pronunciation of the name - the one that would presumably have been used by the Noldor themselves - started with a 'ng' sound, like that in the middle of the English word 'finger'. By the Third Age, this had apparently evolved into a simple 'n' sound. |
See also...
Alphabet of Daeron, Aman, Amanyar, Ancient Speech, Ancient Tongue, Angband, Angrod, Apanónar, Aranwë, Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, Aulë, Aulendil, Awakening of Men, Balrogs, Barad Eithel, [See the full list...]Battle of the Haven, Battle-under-Stars, Bay of Elvenhome, Belegurth, Black King, Calaquendi, Caverns of Narog, Celeborn, Certhas Daeron, Cordial of Imladris, Curse of Mandos, Curufinwë, Dagor Aglareb, Dagor Bragollach, Dagor-nuin-Giliath, Dark Elves, Dark Enemy, Dark King, Dark Lord, Dark Power of the North, Darkening of Valinor, Deep Elves, Dimbar, Doom of Mandos, Doom of the Noldor, Doom of the Valar, Dor Caranthir, Downfall of Melkor, Dwarves, Eagles of the Crissaegrim, Eärwen, Edhelrim, Eglador, Eldar, Eldar of Eressëa, Eldar of Hithlum, Eldar of the West, Eldar of Valinor, Elemmakil, Elendë, Elenwë, Elf-kings, Elu Thingol, Elven-kings, Elven-wise, Elvenesse, Elves, Elves beyond the Sea, Elves of Beleriand, Elves of Eregion, Elves of Eressëa, Elves of Gondolin, Elves of Lindon, Elves of Middle-earth, Elves of Mithrim, Elves of the Falas, Elves of the High Kindred, Elves of the Light, Elves of the West, Elves of Valinor, Elvish, Elvish World, Enemy of Men and Elves, Ered Engrin, Ered Lómin, Ereinion Gil-galad, Exile of the Noldor, Exiles, Exiles from Valinor, Fair Elves, Falathrim, Fall of the Noldor, Falmari, Fëanor, Fëanorian Lamps, Fëanorians, Fifth Battle, Finarfin, Fingon, First Age, First Battle, Flight of the Noldor, Forsaken Elves, Friend of the Noldor, Galadriel, Gate of the Noldor, Gelmir, Gildor Inglorion, Glaurung, Glingal, Glorious Battle, Golodhrim, Golug, Gondolin, Gothmog, Great Enemy, Great Journey, Green-elves, Grey-elves of Mithrim, Grinding Ice, Grond, Guild of Weaponsmiths, Gwindor, Hador, Halls of Awaiting, Hareth, Havens of the Shipwrights, Heart of Fire, Hells of Iron, High Elves, High Faroth, High Folk of the West, High King of the Noldor, High Seat of Vinyamar, High Speech, Himlad, Hísilómë, House of Fëanor, House of Finarfin, Isle of Balar, Jewels of Fëanor, Khazad-dûm, King of the Noldor, King of the North, King of the World, Lady of the Noldor, Lake Mithrim, Land of Mist, Land of the Elves, Land of the Girdle, Lenwë, Light of Aman, Light of the Trees, Light-elves, Lindar, Lindon, Long Peace, Long Wall, Longbeards, Lord of Beleriand, Loremasters, Maedhros, Mahtan, Maiar of the Sea, Men, Men of Dorthonion, Mereth Aderthad, Middle-earth, Mindon Eldaliéva, Mírdain, Misty Mountains, Mithril, Morgoth, Mountains of Aman, Mountains of Turgon, Narrow Ice, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Noldo, Noldor of Eregion, Noldor of Gondolin, Nóm, Nómin, Nulukkizdîn, Nurtalë Valinóreva, Oath of Fëanor, Oiomúrë, Ondolindë, Orc-hunters, Outer Lands, Pass of Aglon, Pass of Light, People of Narog, People of the Stars, Power of the North, Powers of the World, Prophecy of the North, Queen of Elves and Men, Queen of Gondolin, Quenya, Rainbow Cleft, Rána, Return of the Noldor, Ring of Barahir, Rings of Power, Ruin of Doriath, Sea-elves, Second Battle, Siege of Angband, Silmarils, Silver-foot, Sindar, Sindar of Nevrast, Sindarin, Sons of Fëanor, Spear of Gil-galad, Spirit of Fire, Tar-Anárion, Taras-ness, Tareldar, Teleri of Valinor, The Black, The Dark, The Dispossessed, The Easterling, The Light, The Maker, The Moon, The Seen, The Singers, The Valiant, The Wayward, The Wise, The Wise, Third Battle, Third Clan, Third Gate, Three Houses of the Edain, Three Jewels, Three Kindreds, Tirion, Tower of Ingwë, Tree of Tirion, Túna, Turgon, Ulmo, Unchaining of Melkor, Union of Maedhros, Unrest of the Noldor, Vása, War of the Jewels, War of Wrath, Wars of Beleriand, Water of Awakening, White Lady, White Lady of Gondolin, White Lady of the Noldor, Wide World, Wild Elves, Wolf of Angband, Wolfhounds, Year of Lamentation, Years of the Trees
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- Updated 28 March 2004
- Updates planned: 37
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