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Fëanor was born in Aman during the Years of the Trees; his last known surviving descendant, Celebrimbor, was slain in II 16971
After Fëanor's death, his sons settled lands in the northeast of Beleriand; Celebrimbor son of Curufin later settled in Eregion
Fëanor is pronounced 'feh'anorr' (where 'rr' indicates that the final 'r' sound should be pronounced)
Fëanor means 'Spirit of Fire'
Other names
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The cursed descendants and followers of Fëanor, the eldest son of Finwë, and his spouse Nerdanel. Fëanor was one of the greatest, and certainly the most skilled, of the Noldor, but his burning anger at the loss of his Silmarils led him to commit acts that would greatly diminish the influence of his house among his people. As the heir of Finwë, Fëanor and his descendants should have inherited the High Kingship of the Noldor, but because of Fëanor's rash acts, the lordship of the Noldor passed to his brothers: Finarfin in Aman, and Fingolfin in Middle-earth. For this reason, the members of the House of Fëanor are referred to as the Dispossessed. The history of the House was a woeful one, and most of its members met an early end. Fëanor and six of his seven sons perished before the end of the First Age. His second son Maglor survived beyond the War of Wrath, wandering the shores of Middle-earth, but his fate is unknown. The last of the House was Fëanor's grandson Celebrimbor, the son of Curufin, who had a great part in the making of the Rings of Power, and was tortured to death by Sauron during the Second Age. Notes
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