About this entry:
- Updated 30 January 1998
- Updates planned: 13
The language of the Grey-elves of Beleriand and most commonly used of the Elf-tongues in Middle-earth. When the Noldor returned to Middle-earth, Thingol decreed that their tongue, Quenya, was not to be spoken in his realms. So the language of his people, Sindarin, came to dominate. Quenya, though, was still used as a language of ceremony and poetry.
Sindarin shared common roots with Quenya, and the two languages had many similar words. Sindarin was said to be more changeful than the older tongue, however, and there were a number of regional Sindarin 'dialects'. The variant spoken in Doriath was said to be the highest and most noble form of the language.
See also...
Aduial, Alatáriel, Aldúya, Altáriel, Amon Anwar, Amon Uilos, Anarya, Ancient Speech, Ancient Tongue, Angerthas, Angerthas Daeron, Angrod, Annon-in-Gelydh, Anor, Artanis, [See the full list...]Asëa aranion, Atanatári, Balrogs, Belegûr, Belegurth, Berhael, Borgil, Certar, Certhas Daeron, Cerveth, Cloudyhead, Coirë, Curumo, Cúthalion, Dark Elves, Daur, Dírhavel, Dírnaith, Drû, Drû-folk, Drúath, Drughu, Drúin, Drúnos, Echuir, Edhelrim, Edhil, Elbereth, Eldarin, Eledhrim, Elentári, Elenya, Elf-kings, Elf-Man, Elf-speech, Elu Thingol, Elven-tongue, Elves of Gondolin, Elves of Lindon, Elves of Valinor, Elvish, Elwë Singollo, Endor, Endóre, Engwar, Ennor, Ethuil, Ever-snow-white, Fangorn Forest, Fírimar, Firith, Forester, Gaerys, Galadriel, Gilthoniel, Girithron, Glamhoth, Golodhrim, Golug, Gondolin, Gorthaur, Grey-elven, Greycloak, Greymantle, Gundor, Gwaeron, Haudh-en-Arwen, Heart of Fire, Hidden Rock, High Eldarin, High Speech, Hírilorn, Hísilómë, Hísimë, Hither Shore, Hithui, Hound of Sauron, Hrívë, Huntsman of the Valar, Iavas, Isil, Isilya, Ithil, Ithryn, Ithryn Luin, Kine of Araw, King of Númenórë, Kings Reckoning, Lady of the Stars, Laer, Lairë, Land of Mist, Lár, Lasse-lanta, Lord of Trees, Lothron, Malinorni, Man of Skill, Masters of Stone, Menelmacar, Menelya, Minuial, Monday, Monendei, Morrowdim, Nan-tasarion, Nandorin, Narbeleth, Nárië, Narns, Narquelië, Narvinyë, Narwain, Nellas, Nernehta, New Reckoning, Nightingales, Ninquelótë, Nínui, Noegyth Nibin, Nogothrim, Nórui, Númenórean Sindarin, Oiolossë, Old Forest Road, Ondolindë, Oraearon, Oranor, Orbelain, Orgaladh, Orgaladhad, Orgilion, Orithil, Ormenel, Oxen of the East, People of Bëor, Periannath, Powers of Arda, Powers of the World, Queen of the Valar, Queens of the Valar, Quellë, Quenya, Reckoning of Rivendell, Ringarë, River Limlich, River Limliht, River Limlint, Rochan, Rochír-rim, Rock of the Music of Water, Rodyn, Rú, Rúatani, Runes, Sandastan, Second People, Secondborn, Seven Names of Gondolin, Shield-barrier, Silvan Elvish, Sindar, Singollo, Sterday, Stewards Reckoning, Sunnendei, Swordsman of the Sky, Talath Rhúnen, Tárion, Tauron, Teleporno, Telerin, Telumehtar, Thangail, The Cruel, The Ever-cold, The Naith, Three Houses of the Elf-friends, Tindómë, Tîw, Torog, Trewesdei, Udûn, Udûn, Uial, Úmarth, Undómë, Úrimë, Úrui, Valanya, Valar, Valaraukar, Valier, Valinorean, Vása, Víressë, Yavannië, Yávië, Yrch
About this entry:
- Updated 30 January 1998
- Updates planned: 13
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