The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Known to have been extant in I 484
Dwelt in the woods near Menegroth


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 May 2020
  • This entry is complete


A boyhood friend of Túrin

An Elf-maiden of Doriath, who lived in the woods near Menegroth. At the bidding of Melian, she became the friend and tutor of Túrin during his boyhood years in Doriath. It was from Nellas' teaching that Túrin gained the Elf-like bearing and knowledge of Sindarin that led the people of Nargothrond to give him the name Adanedhel, 'Elf-Man'. After Túrin's accidental slaying of Saeros, it was Nellas' account that earned him the forgiveness of the King (though he did not know this, having already exiled himself from the Hidden Kingdom).



The -las element of Nellas' name is almost certainly 'leaf' (and this fits well with the fact that she lived in the woods of Doriath). The initial nel- is, however, less clear. It perhaps represents a shortening of neldor, the word for 'beech' in the language of Doriath (so Nellas in full would mean 'beech leaf').

As an alternative, there is a Sindarin word nella related to the ringing of bells (deriving from a root nyel- for a song or sweet sound) so on this theory Nellas could be taken to mean something like 'singing leaf'. Finally, in some contexts, -las as a name ending can theoretically derive from a root meaning 'joy', so Nellas might mean something like 'joyful song'.

See also...

The Man


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 May 2020
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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A boyhood friend of Túrin

Known to have been extant in I 484
Dwelt in the woods near Menegroth


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 May 2020
  • This entry is complete


A boyhood friend of Túrin

An Elf-maiden of Doriath, who lived in the woods near Menegroth. At the bidding of Melian, she became the friend and tutor of Túrin during his boyhood years in Doriath. It was from Nellas' teaching that Túrin gained the Elf-like bearing and knowledge of Sindarin that led the people of Nargothrond to give him the name Adanedhel, 'Elf-Man'. After Túrin's accidental slaying of Saeros, it was Nellas' account that earned him the forgiveness of the King (though he did not know this, having already exiled himself from the Hidden Kingdom).



The -las element of Nellas' name is almost certainly 'leaf' (and this fits well with the fact that she lived in the woods of Doriath). The initial nel- is, however, less clear. It perhaps represents a shortening of neldor, the word for 'beech' in the language of Doriath (so Nellas in full would mean 'beech leaf').

As an alternative, there is a Sindarin word nella related to the ringing of bells (deriving from a root nyel- for a song or sweet sound) so on this theory Nellas could be taken to mean something like 'singing leaf'. Finally, in some contexts, -las as a name ending can theoretically derive from a root meaning 'joy', so Nellas might mean something like 'joyful song'.

See also...

The Man


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 May 2020
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2003, 2020. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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