The Third Age |
| 861 | | Death of King Eärendur of Arnor. Division of Arnor into Arthedain, Rhudaur and Cardolan. |
| 895 | | Likely date of birth of Mallor son of Beleg, later King of Arthedain. |
| 899 | | Probable date of birth of Ciryaher son of Ciryandil, later to rule Gondor as Hyarmendacil I. |
| 913 | | Death of Tarannon Falastur. Leaving no heir, he is succeeded as King of Gondor by his nephew Eärnil I. |
| 933 | | Umbar is captured by King Eärnil I of Gondor. |
| 936 | | Death of Eärnil I. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Ciryandil. |
| 946 | | Death of Amlaith of Fornost, founder of Arthedain. He is succeeded by his son Beleg. |
| 977 | | Probable date of birth of Atanatar son of Ciryaher, later to rule as Atanatar II Alcarin of Gondor. |
| 979 | | Birth of Celepharn son of Mallor, later King of Arthedain. |
c. | 1000 | | Sauron begins to take a new form. |
c. | 1000 | | Arrival of the Istari in Middle-earth. |
| 1015 | | The Siege of Umbar begins. |
| | | Ciryandil is slain in battle with the Haradrim. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son, known to history as Hyarmendacil I. |
| 1029 | | Death of Beleg, King of Arthedain. He is succeeded by his son Mallor. |
| 1049 | | Probable date of the birth of Narmacil son of Atanatar II, later King Narmacil I of Gondor. |
| 1050 | | The Harfoots cross the Misty Mountains and settle in Eriador. |
| | | Gondor breaks the Siege of Umbar and defeats the amies of the Harad, thus reaching the height of its power. |
| | | A shadow falls on Greenwood the Great, and it begins to be called Mirkwood. |
| 1058 | | Probable date of the birth of Calmacil, later King of Gondor. |
| 1062 | | Probable date of the birth of Celebrindor, later King of Arthedain. |
c. | 1100 | | The first stirrings of Sauron are felt again in Middle-earth, though they are thought at this time to signal the return of a Nazgûl. |
| 1110 | | Death of Mallor, King of Arthedain. He is succeeded by his son Celepharn. |
| 1126 | | Probable date of the birth of Minalcar, later King Rómendacil II of Gondor. |
| 1144 | | Probable date of the birth of Malvegil, later King of Arthedain. |
| 1149 | | Death of Hyarmendacil I. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Atanatar II. |
c. | 1150 | | The Hobbits of the Fallohide and Stoor strains wander west across the Misty Mountains. |
| 1191 | | Death of Celepharn. He is succeeded as King of Arthedain by his son Celebrindor. |
| 1194 | | Probable date of the birth of Valacar son of Minalcar, later King of Gondor. |
| 1226 | | Birth of Argeleb son of Malvegil, later King Argeleb I of Arthedain. |
| | | Death of King Atanatar II of Gondor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Narmacil I. |
| 1240 | | Minalcar (later King Rómendacil II) is made Regent of Gondor by his uncle Narmacil I. |
| 1248 | | Minalcar destroys the armies of the Easterlings, and takes the name Rómendacil |
| 1250 | | Regent Rómendacil sends his son Valacar as ambassador to Vidugavia |
c. | 1250 | | Likely date of the construction of the Argonath |
| 1255 | | Likely date of birth of Vinitharya son of Valacar, later to become King Eldacar of Gondor. |
| 1259 | | Probable date of birth of Castamir, later Usurper of the throne of Gondor. |
| 1260 | | Rómendacil II recalls his son Valacar from Rhovanion to the court of Gondor. |
| 1272 | | Death of Celebrindor. He is succeeded as King of Arthedain by his son Malvegil. |
| 1294 | | Death of King Narmacil I of Gondor. He is succeeded by his younger brother, Calmacil, though Calmacil's son Minalcar retains the Regency. |
c. | 1300 | | The Hobbits travel westwards. Some reach the Bree-land and settle there. |
c. | 1300 | | The Nazgûl reappear in Middle-earth. Angmar is founded in the far north. |
| 1304 | | Death of King Calmacil of Gondor. He is succeeded by his son and Regent, who becomes Rómendacil II. |
| 1309 | | Probable date of birth of Arveleg son of Argeleb I, later King Arveleg I of Arthedain. |
| 1330 | | Probable date of the birth of Aldamir, second son and successor to Eldacar of Gondor. |
| 1349 | | Death of King Malvegil of Arthedain. He is succeeded by his son Argeleb I. |
| 1356 | | Argeleb I dies in battle with Rhudaur. He is succeeded by his son Arveleg I. |
c. | 1356 | | The Stoors of the Angle leave their homes and travel west and south away from the new realm of Angmar. |
| 1366 | | Death of King Rómendacil II of Gondor. He is succeeded by his son Valacar. |
| 1391 | | Likely date of birth of Vinyarion son of Aldamir, later to rule Gondor under the name of Hyarmendacil II. |
| | | Likely date of the birth of Araphor son of Arveleg I, later King of Arthedain. |
| 1409 | | Arveleg I is slain in an attack on Amon Sûl. He is succeeded by his son Araphor. |
| | | The Witch-king of Angmar invades the northern kingdoms. |
| 1432 | | Death of King Valacar of Gondor. The succession of his son Eldacar is disputed, and civil war begins in Gondor. |
| 1437 | | The burning of Osgiliath, and the loss of its palantír. Eldacar flees from Gondor. |
| 1447 | | Eldacar returns from the east and reclaims the Crown of Gondor, slaying Castamir the Usurper. |
| 1448 | | Castamir's sons escape to Umbar, and form the beginnings of the Corsairs. |
| 1454 | | Probable date of the birth of Minardil son of Vinyarion, later King of Gondor |
| 1473 | | Probable date of the birth of Argeleb son of Araphor, later King Argeleb II of Arthedain. |
| 1490 | | Death of King Eldacar of Gondor; he is succeeded by his only surviving son, Aldamir. |
| 1516 | | Probable date of the birth of Telemnar son of Minardil, later King of Gondor |
| 1540 | | Death of Aldamir. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Vinyarion (later Hyarmendacil II). |
| 1551 | | The Haradrim are defeated by Vinyarion of Gondor, who takes the name Hyarmendacil II. |
| 1553 | | Probable date of the birth of Arvegil son of Argeleb II, later King of Arthedain. |
| 1577 | | Probable date of the birth of Tarondor, later King of Gondor. |
| 1589 | | Death of Araphor. He is succeeded by his son Argeleb II. |
| 1601 | 1 | The foundation of the Shire, and the beginning of the Shire-reckoning. |
| 1621 | 21 | Death of Hyarmendacil II. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Minardil. |
c. | 1630 | 30 | Many Stoors migrate northward from Dunland to the recently founded Shire. |
| 1632 | 32 | Probable date of the birth of Telumehtar, later King Telumehtar Umbardacil of Gondor. |
| 1633 | 33 | Birth of Arveleg son of Arvegil, later to rule Arthedain as Arveleg II. |
| 1634 | 34 | Death of Minardil at the hands of the Corsairs. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Telemnar. |
| 1635 | 35 | The Great Plague first appears among the Northmen of Rhovanion. |
| 1636 | 36 | In Gondor, King Telemnar and all his children sicken and die, as does the original White Tree. Telemnar's nephew Tarondor succeeds to the throne. |
| | | The appearance of the Barrow-wights in the Barrow-downs. |
| 1637 | 37 | The Great Plague comes to an end in the North of Middle-earth. |
| 1640 | 40 | Tarondor removes the seat of the King of Gondor from Osgiliath to Minas Anor, where he plants a seedling of the White Tree. The decay of Osgiliath begins. |
| 1670 | 70 | Death of Argeleb II. He is succeeded by his son Arvegil. |
| 1684 | 84 | Probable date of the birth of Narmacil II. |
| 1711 | 111 | Probable date of birth of Araval, later King of Arthedain. |
| 1731 | 131 | Birth of Durin VI, later King of Durin's Folk in Khazad-dûm. |
| 1736 | 136 | Probable date of the birth of Calimehtar, later King of Gondor. |
| 1743 | 143 | Death of Arvegil. He is succeeded by his son Arveleg II. |
| 1787 | 187 | Likely date of birth of Ondoher son of Calimehtar, later King of Gondor. |
| 1789 | 189 | Likely date of birth of Araphant son of Araval, later King of Arthedain. |
| 1798 | 198 | Death of Tarondor. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Telumehtar. |
| 1810 | 210 | Telumehtar Umbardacil takes Umbar and slays the last descendants of Castamir. |
| 1813 | 213 | Death of Arveleg II. He is succeeded as King of Arthedain by his son Araval. |
| 1832 | 232 | Birth of Náin I, later King of Durin's Folk in Khazad-dûm. |
| 1850 | 250 | Death of Telumehtar Umbardacil. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Narmacil II. |
| 1851 | 251 | The first attacks of the Wainriders occur. |
| 1856 | 256 | Death of Narmacil II in battle with the Wainriders. He is succeeded by his son Calimehtar. |
c. | 1856 | 256 | The Northmen of Rhovanion abandon their lands and seek new homes across Middle-earth. |
| 1864 | 264 | Probable date of the birth of Arvedui son of Araphant, later King of Arthedain. |
| 1879 | 279 | Likely date of birth of Pelendur, later Steward of Gondor. |
| 1883 | 283 | Likely date of birth of Eärnil son of Siriondil, later crowned King Eärnil II of Gondor. |
| 1891 | 291 | Death of Araval. He is succeeded as King of Arthedain by his son Araphant. |
| 1892 | 292 | Birth of Artamir, eldest son of King Ondoher of Gondor. |
| 1895 | 295 | Birth of Faramir, younger son of King Ondoher of Gondor. |
| 1896 | 296 | Likely date of the birth of Fíriel, daughter of Ondoher of Gondor. |
| 1899 | 299 | The Wainriders are defeated on Dagorlad by Calimehtar of Gondor. |
| 1900 | 300 | The White Tower is built in Minas Anor by King Calimehtar. |
| 1919 | 319 | Probable date of birth of Vorondil son of Pelendur, later Steward to King Eärnil II of Gondor. |
| 1928 | 328 | Probable date of the birth of Eärnur, later the last King of Gondor. |
| 1934 | 334 | Birth of Thráin son of Náin I, last of Durin's line to be born in Khazad-dûm. |
| 1936 | 336 | Death of Calimehtar. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Ondoher. |
| 1940 | 340 | Wedding of Arvedui, heir to the kingdom of Arthedain and Fíriel, daughter of King Ondoher of Gondor. |
c. | 1941 | 341 | Approximate date of the birth of Aranarth, son and heir of Arvedui Last-king. |
| 1944 | 344 | Arvedui lays claim to the throne of Gondor. |
| | | King Ondoher of Gondor is slain with both his sons. |
| | | Gondor is assaulted simultaneously by the armies of Khand, Harad and the Wainriders. The Battle of the Camp. |
| 1945 | 345 | The Crown of Gondor is granted to Eärnil II. |
| 1950 | 350 | Probably date of the birth of Imrazôr the Númenórean, ancestor of the Lords of Dol Amroth. |
| 1960 | 360 | Likely date of birth of Mardil son of Vorondil, later to become the first Ruling Steward of Gondor. |
| 1964 | 364 | Death of Araphant. He is succeeded by his son Arvedui. |
| 1974 | 374 | Arvedui, last of the Kings of Arthedain, is drowned in the Icebay of Forochel. |
| | | The forces of Angmar capture Fornost; the remnant of the North-kingdom is destroyed. |
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