Rulers of Númenor
Elros Tar-Minyatur Vardamir Nólimon Tar-Amandil Tar-Elendil Tar-Meneldur Tar-Aldarion Tar-Ancalimë Tar-Anárion Tar-Súrion Tar-Telperiën Tar-Minastir Tar-Ciryatan Tar-Atanamir Tar-Ancalimon Tar-Telemmaitë Tar-Vanimeldë (Tar-Anducal) Tar-Alcarin Tar-Calmacil Tar-Ardamin Ar-Adûnakhôr Ar-Zimrathôn Ar-Sakalthôr Ar-Gimilzôr Tar-Palantir Ar-Pharazôn
The twenty-fourth, and last but one, of the Kings of Númenor . In his time, the Númenôreans had turned their backs on the Valar and the Elves , and he attempted to bring them back to the old ways. His policy of reform would likely have been continued by his daughter Míriel , but her throne was usurped by Ar-Pharazôn .
See also...
Ar-Gimilzôr , Ar-Inziladûn , Ar-Zimraphel , Eärendur , Elendil , Flower of the West , Gimilkhâd , Gimilzagar , Hallow of Eru , Hallowed Mountain , Holy Mountain , Inziladûn , Inzilbêth , Isildur , King of Númenor , [See the full list...] Kings Party , Lindórië , Line of Kings , Lord of Andúnië , Míriel , Númellótë , Númendil , Oromet , Prayer to Eru , Ruler of Númenor , Tar-Míriel , Tar-Telemnar , The Farsighted , The Pillar
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Updated 23 July 2020
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