Welcome to The Chronicle of Arda. This section of the site provides automated annals
for all four Ages of the Sun and Moon. For any period of Arda's history, the
Chronicle will display the events that happened in that time. Events and characters are entered into the
Chronicle as they are added to the main database: like the rest of The Encyclopedia of Arda this section of
the site is expanding all the time.
You can have the Chronicle look up events for specific dates by entering one or two years in the form below.
If you enter two dates, the Chronicle will display events that happened between those two years.
If you leave one of the dates blank, the Chronicle will display events in the century around the single year you specify.
For years after III 1601 (the year of the foundation of Shire, and therefore Shire Year 1), the Chronicle will also show years by the Shire-reckoning in a second column.
The First Age |
| 7 | | Holding council in Mithrim, the Noldor choose Fingolfin to be their High King. |
| 20 | | The Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting, is held at the Pools of Ivrin. |
| 50 | | Journey of Turgon and Finrod. |
| 52 | | Finrod and Galadriel travel as guests to Menegroth. Finrod is inspired by the Thousand Caves to create his own underground citadel of Nargothrond, but Galadriel remains in Doriath for some time. |
| 53 | | Guided by Ulmo, Turgon discovers the hidden valley of Tumladen, where he resolves to build a city. |
| 60 | | Dagor Aglareb. The Siege of Angband is set by the Princes of the Noldor. |
| 64 | | Turgon secretly begins the building of Gondolin. |
| 65 | | The Noldor aid in fortifying the Havens of the Falas, and Finrod raises the tower of Barad Nimras. |
| 66 | | Thingol and Melian discover the truth behind the Exile of the Noldor. |
| 67 | | Thingol bans the Quenya tongue from his realms. Sindarin begins to predominate in Middle-earth from this time. |
| 102 | | Completion of Nargothrond. |
| 116 | | Completion of Gondolin. Turgon's people begin the migration from Nevrast. |
| 150 | | The Noldor and the Dwarves first encounter each other among the Blue Mountains. |
| 155 | | An army of Orcs attempts to invade Hithlum from the Firth of Drengist. Fingon drives them into the Sea. |
c. | 240 | | Approximate date of the birth of Mîm the Petty-dwarf. |
| 260 | | Glaurung ravages Beleriand, but is driven back to Angband. |
| 262 | | Likely year of the birth of Balan (later called Bëor) in the lands east of the Blue Mountains. |
| 282 | | Probable date of birth of Marach, later to lead his people westward across the Blue Mountains. |
| 289 | | Probable date of birth of Baran, son and successor to Bëor the Old. |
| 307 | | Probable date of birth of Malach son of Marach, later called Aradan. |
| 310 | | Men are discovered in the western foothills of the Blue Mountains by Finrod Felagund. |
| 311 | | Bëor enters the service of Finrod of Nargothrond. |
c. | 313 | | Marach crosses the Blue Mountains with the ancestors of the House of Hador. |
| 314 | | Apparent date of birth of Boron son of Baran. |
| 315 | | Birth of Haldad of the Haladin. |
| 316 | | Aredhel sets out from Gondolin. Later in the year, she is lost in Nan Elmoth, and becomes Eöl's wife. |
| 320 | | The year of Maeglin's birth in Nan Elmoth. |
| 332 | | The twelve-year old Maeglin is formally named. |
| 337 | | Probable year of the birth of Amlach son of Imlach. |
| | | Probable date of the birth of Boromir son of Boron, later appointed lord of Ladros. |
| 340 | | Likely date of birth of Bereg, great-grandson of Bëor. |
| 341 | | Likely date of the birth of Haleth and Haldar, twin children of Haldad. |
c. | 350 | | Approximate date of the birth of Boromir, later lord of Ladros. |
| 355 | | Bëor the Old dies at the age of ninety-three. |
| 359 | | Probable date of birth of Bregor son of Boromir of the House of Bëor. |
| 365 | | Probable date of birth of Hathol son of Magor. |
| 366 | | Likely date of birth of Haldan son of Haldar, later Lord of Brethil. |
| 374 | | Birth of Beren son of Belemir, father of Emeldir and grandfather of Beren Erchamion. |
| 375 | | Haldad and his son Haldar are slain by Orcs. Haldad's daughter Haleth becomes the leader of their People. |
c. | 375 | | Approximate date of the settlement of the People of Haleth in the Forest of Brethil. |
| 376 | | Likely date of the death of Marach. |
| 380 | | Death of Bëor's son Baran; the leadership of the House of Bëor passes to his son, Boron. |
| 389 | | Birth of Hador, later Lord of Dor-lómin. |
| 390 | | Likely date of birth of Halmir son of Haldan, later Lord of Brethil. |
| 393 | | Likely date of birth of Bregolas son of Bregor. |
| 398 | | Probable date of the death of Malach Aradan, at the age of ninety-one. |
| 400 | | Return of Aredhel and Maeglin to Gondolin. |
| | | Deaths of Aredhel and Eöl the Dark Elf. |
| 402 | | An army of Orcs attempts to break through the Pass of Aglon, but is repulsed. |
| | | Likely date of the birth of Barahir son of Bregor. |
| 403 | | Death of Boron; the leadership of the House of Bëor passes to his son, Boromir. |
| 406 | | Birth of Emeldir. |
| 414 | | Probable date of birth of Haldir of the Haladin. |
| 415 | | Probable date of the birth of Glóredhel, daughter of Hador Lórindol. |
| 417 | | Probable date of birth of Beleth, daughter and eldest child of Bregolas. |
| 419 | | Probable date of birth of Gundor, son of Hador Lórindol. |
| | | Likely date of birth of Hareth daughter of Halmir. |
c. | 419 | | Approximate date of the granting of Dor-lómin to Hador Lórindol. |
| 420 | | Likely date of the death of Haleth, leader of the Haladin. She is succeeded by Haldan, the son of her brother Haldar. |
| | | Approximate date of the birth of Baragund, son of Bregolas. |
c. | 420 | | Very approximate date of the death of Boromir. He is succeeded as lord of Ladros by his son Bregor. |
| 428 | | Birth of Belegund, eldest son of Bregolas. |
| 432 | | Death of Boromir, lord of Ladros; he is succeeded by his son Bregor. |
c. | 432 | | Approximate date for the birth of Beren Erchamion. |
c. | 435 | | Approximate date of the birth of Sador Labadal. |
| 439 | | Birth of Húrin Thalion, later Lord of Dor-lómin. |
| 441 | | Probable date of birth of Handir of the Haladin. |
| 443 | | Probable date of the birth of Morwen Eledhwen. |
c. | 445 | | Birth of Ereinion, later called Gil-galad. |
| 448 | | Death of Bregor, lord of Ladros. He is succeeded by his son Bregolas. |
| 450 | | Probable date of the birth of Rían daughter of Belegund. |
c. | 450 | | Birth of Larnach. |
| 451 | | Probable year of the death of Haldan. His son Halmir succeeds as Lord of Brethil. |
| 455 | | Deaths of Angrod and Aegnor in the Dagor Bragollach. |
| | | Celegorm and Curufin flee Himlad for Nargothrond. |
| | | Winter The breaking of the Siege of Angband and beginning of the Dagor Bragollach. |
| 456 | | Barahir and his companions begin their outlaw existence in Ladros. |
| | | Fingolfin challenges Morgoth to single combat, and is slain. Fingon becomes High King of the Noldor. |
| | | Spring The worst assaults of the Dagor Bragollach draw to a close. |
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