The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Founded II 32, destroyed II 3319 (endured 3,287 years)
In the Great Sea, between Middle-earth and Aman
Other names
'Land in the West' (that is, west from Middle-earth)


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 February 2015
  • This entry is complete


One of the many names of Númenor

Map of Númenor
General map of Anadûnê, the island of Númenor in the Great Sea (slightly conjectural)1
General map of Anadûnê, the island of Númenor in the Great Sea (slightly conjectural)1

The island of Númenor was raised out of the Great Sea and given as a gift to the Edain in reward for their aid in the Wars of Beleriand. Númenor itself is an Elvish name meaning simply 'Western land' (and often rendered into the Common Tongue as 'Westernesse'). In Adúnaic, the language of the Númenóreans themselves, this same name was translated Anadûnê, again meaning 'Western Land'.

The name Anadûnê derived ultimately from adûn, 'west', a word borrowed by the Edain from the Elves (the same word also appears in the name of their tongue, Adûnaic, which means 'West-language'). As well as Anadûnê, they also commonly referred to their island realm as Yôzâyan, the Land of Gift.



The general geography of Anadûnê (or Númenor) is well established. The only conjectural elements on this map are the location of the city of Ondosto, and the precise course of the road that ran through it. Both of those elements are established in text, but they not recorded on any extant map.


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 February 2015
  • This entry is complete

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One of the many names of Númenor

Founded II 32, destroyed II 3319 (endured 3,287 years)
In the Great Sea, between Middle-earth and Aman
Other names
'Land in the West' (that is, west from Middle-earth)


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 February 2015
  • This entry is complete


One of the many names of Númenor

Map of Númenor
General map of Anadûnê, the island of Númenor in the Great Sea (slightly conjectural)1
General map of Anadûnê, the island of Númenor in the Great Sea (slightly conjectural)1

The island of Númenor was raised out of the Great Sea and given as a gift to the Edain in reward for their aid in the Wars of Beleriand. Númenor itself is an Elvish name meaning simply 'Western land' (and often rendered into the Common Tongue as 'Westernesse'). In Adúnaic, the language of the Númenóreans themselves, this same name was translated Anadûnê, again meaning 'Western Land'.

The name Anadûnê derived ultimately from adûn, 'west', a word borrowed by the Edain from the Elves (the same word also appears in the name of their tongue, Adûnaic, which means 'West-language'). As well as Anadûnê, they also commonly referred to their island realm as Yôzâyan, the Land of Gift.



The general geography of Anadûnê (or Númenor) is well established. The only conjectural elements on this map are the location of the city of Ondosto, and the precise course of the road that ran through it. Both of those elements are established in text, but they not recorded on any extant map.


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 February 2015
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2008, 2015. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.
Personality is one part of understanding a candidate's suitability, but aptitudes and skills are also key.