Across Middle-earth, and the isle of Númenor during the Second Age
Awoke in Hildórien in the distant east of Middle-earth
Broadly divided into the Edain (and their descendants), the Middle Peoples and the people known as Wild Men
Other names
The Afterborn, The Aftercomers, Apanónar, Atani, Big Folk, Big People, The Children of the Sun, Engwar, Fírimar, The Followers, The Heavy-handed, Hildor, The Inscrutable, Men, The Mortals, The Night-fearers, The Second People, The Secondborn, The Self-cursed, The Sickly, The Strangers, The Usurpers
About this entry:
- Updated 7 July 2008
- Updates planned: 1
The descent of the major branches of the race of Younger Children. Note that, though the Drúedain and Hobbits are established as belonging to branches of the race of Men, and must therefore have descended from the first people to have awoken in Hildórien, the precise details of their descent remain unknown.
The descent of the Northmen was rather more involved than this simple diagram can show. For more on this subject, see the entry for 'Northmen'.
Men, who awoke many thousands of years after the Elder Children, the Elves.
See also...
Afterborn, Awakening of Men, Curse of Mandos, Elder Kindred, Elder People, Elves, Elvish World, Fírimar, Gift of Men, Hildor, Two Kindreds, Unrest of the Noldor, Usurpers
About this entry:
- Updated 7 July 2008
- Updates planned: 1
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