Immortal; existed before the foundation of Arda
va'rrda elentah'rri ('rr' indicates that the 'r' sounds should be distinctly pronounced)
Varda means 'sublime' (in the sense of 'high' or 'lofty'); her title Elentári means 'star-queen'
Other names
About this entry:
- Updated 25 July 1998
- Updates planned: 6
The Valar
The Queen of the Stars and spouse of Manwë the King of Arda, great among the Queens of the Valar. She set the stars in the sky, for which the Eldar of Middle-earth revered her, calling her by the name of Elbereth.
See also...
Alcarinquë, Amon Uilos, Anarríma, Aratar, Belegurth, Carnil, Crowned with Stars, Dagor Dagorath, Elbereth, Elemmírë, Elentári, Elerrína, Elves, Ever-snow-white, Everlasting Whiteness, [See the full list...]Fair Elves, Fragrant Trees, Gandalf, Gilthoniel, Great Jewels, Helluin, High Ones of Arda, Hill of Ilmarin, Holy Mountain, Ilmarë, Ilmarin, Jaws of Thirst, Kindler, Lady of the Stars, Lamps of the Valar, Last Battle, Lord of the West, Lords of the Valar, Lords of Valinor, Luinil, Lumbar, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maiar, Malinalda, Manwë Súlimo, Manwendil, Menelmacar, Menelvagor, Mount Everwhite, Mountain of Manwë, Mountain Wall, Mountains of Aman, Nénar, Oiolossë, Olórin, One-hand, Pelóri, Powers of Arda, Powers of the World, Queen of the Earth, Queen of the Stars, Queen of the Valar, Queens of the Valar, Rána, Sickle of the Valar, Soronúmë, Taniquetil, Telumendil, The Lord, The Moon, The Mountain, The Sun, The White Mountain, Three Jewels, Timeless Halls, Tintallë, Two Trees of Valinor, Valacirca, Valar, Valier, Vardarianna, Water of Awakening, Wells of Varda, Wilwarin, Wolf of Angband
About this entry:
- Updated 25 July 1998
- Updates planned: 6
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