About this entry:
Updated 19 July 1998
Updates planned: 17
The Valar
Manwë Ulmo Aulë Oromë Mandos Lórien Tulkas Varda Yavanna Nienna Estë Vairë Vána Nessa
Greatest of the Valar , spouse of Varda and King of Arda ; he dwells in his halls on Taniquetil , highest of mountains, and the winds and airs of Arda are under his command.
See also...
Alcarondas , Aman , Amon Uilos , Aratar , Belegurth , Bent World , Black Foe of the World , Captain of the Host of the West , Captivity of Melkor , Caves of the Forgotten , Crowned with Stars , Dagor Dagorath , Dark Lord , Day of Doom , Doomsman of the Valar , [See the full list...] Eagles of the North , Eärendil , Eldar of Valinor , Elder King , Elerrína , Elf-kings , Elves , Eönwë , Ever-snow-white , Everlasting Whiteness , Fair Elves , Fëanor , Fragrant Trees , Gandalf , Halls of Awaiting , Halls of Mandos , Hawks , High King of Arda , High King of the Elves , High Ones of Arda , Hill of Ilmarin , Holy Mountain , Ilmarë , Ilmarin , Ingwë , King of Arda , King of Kings , King of the World , Kingdom of Arda , Lady of the Stars , Lamps of the Valar , Last Battle , Lord of the Breath of Arda , Lord of the West , Lords of the Valar , Lords of Valinor , Máhanaxar , Maiar , Manwendil , Masters of Spirits , Morgoth , Mount Everwhite , Mountain of Manwë , Mountain Wall , Mountains of Aman , Oiolossë , Olórin , Olvar , Pelóri , Pillar of the Heavens , Powers of Arda , Powers of the World , Queen of the Valar , Queens of the Valar , Ring of Doom , Rulers of Arda , Soronúmë , Súlimo , Taniquetil , Tar-Ancalimon , The End , The Mountain , The Pillar , The Smith , The Sun , The White Mountain , Three Kindreds , Timeless Halls , Tirion , Ulmo , Unchaining of Melkor , Undying Lands , Unrest of the Noldor , Valar , Valier , Valmar , Vanyar , Varda Elentári , Veil of Arda , War of Wrath , West Wind , Witnesses of Manwë , Years of the Trees
About this entry:
Updated 19 July 1998
Updates planned: 17
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