The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Raised by the Valar at the end of the Spring of Arda1
In the Pelóri, the eastern mountain-shield of Aman
Ainur, and later Elves
Valar (Aratar); Elves of the Vanyar later dwelt on the slopes of the mountain
'High white peak'
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 February 2014
  • This entry is complete


The lofty dwelling of Manwë and Varda

Map of Taniquetil
Map of Taniquetil in Aman (somewhat conjectural)
Map of Taniquetil in Aman (somewhat conjectural)

After the Lamps of the Valar were destroyed by Melkor in the distant past of the world, the Valar themselves withdrew from Middle-earth into a land on the far western edges of Arda. Along its eastern shoreline, they raised a great mountain range as a defence against the Dark Lord, and the greatest of all those mountains - indeed, the greatest mountain in the world - was an immensely tall white peak known as Taniquetil.

On the peak of Taniquetil, Manwë and Varda had their halls of Ilmarin, from which they looked out across the world, and from those halls Manwë sent out his hawks and eagles to watch over Arda. Because of the dwellings of the Elder King and his spouse, Taniquetil became known as the Holy Mountain. Such was the reverence of the Vanyar for the Mountain of Manwë that they abandoned their own city of Tirion, and settled on the flanks of the great mountain beneath the halls of the High King of Arda.

The name Taniquetil itself means 'high white peak', but 'high' in the sense of 'noble, lofty' rather than simply 'tall'. From its whiteness it took many of its other names, including Oiolossë and Amon Uilos, each translated as 'Mount Everwhite'.



The Annals of Aman date the raising of Taniquetil 3,450 Valian Years after the arrival of the Valar in Arda. That translates as roughly 14,800 years before the first rising of the Sun. (The Annals of Aman appear in Morgoth's Ring, volume X of The History of Middle-earth).


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 February 2014
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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The lofty dwelling of Manwë and Varda

Raised by the Valar at the end of the Spring of Arda1
In the Pelóri, the eastern mountain-shield of Aman
Ainur, and later Elves
Valar (Aratar); Elves of the Vanyar later dwelt on the slopes of the mountain
'High white peak'
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 February 2014
  • This entry is complete


The lofty dwelling of Manwë and Varda

Map of Taniquetil
Map of Taniquetil in Aman (somewhat conjectural)
Map of Taniquetil in Aman (somewhat conjectural)

After the Lamps of the Valar were destroyed by Melkor in the distant past of the world, the Valar themselves withdrew from Middle-earth into a land on the far western edges of Arda. Along its eastern shoreline, they raised a great mountain range as a defence against the Dark Lord, and the greatest of all those mountains - indeed, the greatest mountain in the world - was an immensely tall white peak known as Taniquetil.

On the peak of Taniquetil, Manwë and Varda had their halls of Ilmarin, from which they looked out across the world, and from those halls Manwë sent out his hawks and eagles to watch over Arda. Because of the dwellings of the Elder King and his spouse, Taniquetil became known as the Holy Mountain. Such was the reverence of the Vanyar for the Mountain of Manwë that they abandoned their own city of Tirion, and settled on the flanks of the great mountain beneath the halls of the High King of Arda.

The name Taniquetil itself means 'high white peak', but 'high' in the sense of 'noble, lofty' rather than simply 'tall'. From its whiteness it took many of its other names, including Oiolossë and Amon Uilos, each translated as 'Mount Everwhite'.



The Annals of Aman date the raising of Taniquetil 3,450 Valian Years after the arrival of the Valar in Arda. That translates as roughly 14,800 years before the first rising of the Sun. (The Annals of Aman appear in Morgoth's Ring, volume X of The History of Middle-earth).


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 February 2014
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001-2002, 2008, 2014. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.
Personality is one part of understanding a candidate's suitability for a role, but aptitude can also be crucial.