The Venturers of Númenor held the Maia Uinen, Lady of the Seas, in special reverence. Their Guildhouse, the great vessel Eämbar, was anchored for the most part off the island of Tol Uinen, so named because it had been placed in the bay of Rómenna by Uinen herself. On the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Guild of Venturers, Valandil of Andúnië held a great feast, and honoured the Lady Erendis by naming her Uinéniel, 'Daughter of Uinen'. Erendis, however, saw Uinen as a rival for the affections of the Great Captain Aldarion, and rejected the intended honour with scorn.
About this entry:
- Updated 8 July 2018
- This entry is complete
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