The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Founded in or about II 3320; largely deserted by III 2901, but reoccupied during the Fourth Age
The northward parts1 of Ithilien, a narrow land between the river Anduin in the west and the mountains of Ephel Dúath in the east
Minas Ithil (later Minas Morgul) stood at the southern extent of this region
At least two streams rose in the mountains to the east and flowed through North Ithilien, the unnamed stream that ran over Henneth Annûn, and the Morgulduin on the southern border
Both known streams ran down into Anduin in the west
Ithilien is pronounced 'ithi'lien'
Ithilien means 'Land of the Moon' (associated with Isildur, whose name means 'Devoted to the Moon')


About this entry:

  • Updated 13 September 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

North Ithilien

The northern lands of Gondor beyond the Anduin

Map of North Ithilien

The northern part of Ithilien between the Anduin and Ephel Dúath was somewhat less extensive than its southern counterpart. The refuge of Henneth Annûn and the Field of Cormallen were to be found in this region.



The boundary that separated North Ithilien from South Ithilien is not formally defined, but we do know for sure that the hills of Emyn Arnen were considered to belong to South Ithilien, so the border must have been northward of those hills. The obvious candidate would be the stream later called Morgulduin, alongside which ran the road from Osgiliath to Minas Ithil (later Minas Morgul). Not only would this form a clear natural boundary, but it would also place Isildur's fortress of Minas Ithil directly between the North and South regions of his land of Ithilien.


About this entry:

  • Updated 13 September 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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North Ithilien

The northern lands of Gondor beyond the Anduin

Founded in or about II 3320; largely deserted by III 2901, but reoccupied during the Fourth Age
The northward parts1 of Ithilien, a narrow land between the river Anduin in the west and the mountains of Ephel Dúath in the east
Minas Ithil (later Minas Morgul) stood at the southern extent of this region
At least two streams rose in the mountains to the east and flowed through North Ithilien, the unnamed stream that ran over Henneth Annûn, and the Morgulduin on the southern border
Both known streams ran down into Anduin in the west
Ithilien is pronounced 'ithi'lien'
Ithilien means 'Land of the Moon' (associated with Isildur, whose name means 'Devoted to the Moon')


About this entry:

  • Updated 13 September 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

North Ithilien

The northern lands of Gondor beyond the Anduin

Map of North Ithilien

The northern part of Ithilien between the Anduin and Ephel Dúath was somewhat less extensive than its southern counterpart. The refuge of Henneth Annûn and the Field of Cormallen were to be found in this region.



The boundary that separated North Ithilien from South Ithilien is not formally defined, but we do know for sure that the hills of Emyn Arnen were considered to belong to South Ithilien, so the border must have been northward of those hills. The obvious candidate would be the stream later called Morgulduin, alongside which ran the road from Osgiliath to Minas Ithil (later Minas Morgul). Not only would this form a clear natural boundary, but it would also place Isildur's fortress of Minas Ithil directly between the North and South regions of his land of Ithilien.


About this entry:

  • Updated 13 September 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2000, 2017. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.
Proud to be developing and providing DISC profiling for 31 years! Find out more about us at Discus Online.