The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
First established (as Vinyalondë) shortly before II 8001
On the shores of the Great Sea at the mouth of the river Gwathló
Originally constructed as a harbour and shipyard by Aldarion of Númenor
This haven stood at the head of the firth through which Gwathló emptied into the Great Sea
lo'nd di're e'neth (Elvish daer is pronounced like the English word 'dire'; the dh in Enedh is pronounced as in English 'these')
'Great Middle Haven', so named because it lay between Mithlond to the north and Pelargir to the south
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 16 February 2025
  • This entry is complete
Map of Lond Daer Enedh

The fuller name for the port and haven at the mouth of the River Gwathló, more usually referred to simply as Lond Daer, meaning 'Great Haven'. The suffix Enedh meant 'Middle', referring to its position midway between the havens of Lindon to the north, and Pelargir to the south.

The first harbour at the Gwathló's mouth was founded by the Númenórean voyager and explorer Aldarion (later King Tar-Aldarion), who gave it its original name Vinyalondë ('New Haven'). As time went by, the sea encroached on the Númenórean harbour, and for at least part of its history Lond Daer lay in ruins. There is some evidence that it was ultimately restored, and played a key part in Tar-Minastir's victory over Sauron in Eriador.



The original haven at the mouth of the river Gwathló was founded by Aldarion at some point during the period between II 750 and II 800. The harbour needed much rebuilding over the years that followed, but it formed the original foundation for the haven that would later be known as Lond Daer Enedh (or often simply Lond Daer, the 'Great Haven'). The use of Enedh ('middle') in its name was given relative to Pelargir in the south, and because Pelargir would not be founded until II 2350, we can be sure that the full name Lond Daer Enedh would not have been used before that date.


About this entry:

  • Updated 16 February 2025
  • This entry is complete

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Lond Daer Enedh

The Great Middle Haven

First established (as Vinyalondë) shortly before II 8001
On the shores of the Great Sea at the mouth of the river Gwathló
Originally constructed as a harbour and shipyard by Aldarion of Númenor
This haven stood at the head of the firth through which Gwathló emptied into the Great Sea
lo'nd di're e'neth (Elvish daer is pronounced like the English word 'dire'; the dh in Enedh is pronounced as in English 'these')
'Great Middle Haven', so named because it lay between Mithlond to the north and Pelargir to the south
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 16 February 2025
  • This entry is complete
Map of Lond Daer Enedh

The fuller name for the port and haven at the mouth of the River Gwathló, more usually referred to simply as Lond Daer, meaning 'Great Haven'. The suffix Enedh meant 'Middle', referring to its position midway between the havens of Lindon to the north, and Pelargir to the south.

The first harbour at the Gwathló's mouth was founded by the Númenórean voyager and explorer Aldarion (later King Tar-Aldarion), who gave it its original name Vinyalondë ('New Haven'). As time went by, the sea encroached on the Númenórean harbour, and for at least part of its history Lond Daer lay in ruins. There is some evidence that it was ultimately restored, and played a key part in Tar-Minastir's victory over Sauron in Eriador.



The original haven at the mouth of the river Gwathló was founded by Aldarion at some point during the period between II 750 and II 800. The harbour needed much rebuilding over the years that followed, but it formed the original foundation for the haven that would later be known as Lond Daer Enedh (or often simply Lond Daer, the 'Great Haven'). The use of Enedh ('middle') in its name was given relative to Pelargir in the south, and because Pelargir would not be founded until II 2350, we can be sure that the full name Lond Daer Enedh would not have been used before that date.


About this entry:

  • Updated 16 February 2025
  • This entry is complete

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Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2007, 2024-2025. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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